Surrealism as a revolutionary movement
By MICHAEL LÖWY: Reflections on the occasion of the centenary of his “First Manifesto”
By MICHAEL LÖWY: Reflections on the occasion of the centenary of his “First Manifesto”
It is only possible to understand Lima Barreto's militancy by contextualizing it within the political and ideological conflicts in which the writer intended to participate.
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: The Supreme Federal Court decides between the country and agribusiness
By JEFFERSON FERREIRA DO NASCIMENTO & MARIA DO SOCORRO SOUSA BRAGA: The extreme right and part of the traditional right have adopted an anti-systemic and reformist discourse, associated with moral conservatism and economic neoliberalism
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The apparent and the essential in the interpretation of the War against Paraguay
By CARLOS DE NICOLA: As the Brazilian left has a structural difficulty in vocalizing possible solutions, “morbid symptoms” are embodied in characters, and compete for the popular imagination in a regressive way
By MICHAEL LÖWY: Reflections on the occasion of the centenary of his “First Manifesto”
It is only possible to understand Lima Barreto's militancy by contextualizing it within the political and ideological conflicts in which the writer intended to participate.
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: The Supreme Federal Court decides between the country and agribusiness
By JEFFERSON FERREIRA DO NASCIMENTO & MARIA DO SOCORRO SOUSA BRAGA: The extreme right and part of the traditional right have adopted an anti-systemic and reformist discourse, associated with moral conservatism and economic neoliberalism
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: The apparent and the essential in the interpretation of the War against Paraguay
By CARLOS DE NICOLA: As the Brazilian left has a structural difficulty in vocalizing possible solutions, “morbid symptoms” are embodied in characters, and compete for the popular imagination in a regressive way