Donald Trump and the new spirit of the people
By TARSO GENRO: The current stage of decadence of liberal democracy no longer convinces anyone
By TARSO GENRO: The current stage of decadence of liberal democracy no longer convinces anyone
By RONALDO TADEU DE SOUZA: Proust did not want to write a book that merely described the passage of things that entangle the coexistence between individuals
By LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL: From Donald Trump's term, based on the signs presented so far, we can expect an attempt to organizationalize the American political system.
By ALESSANDRO OCTAVIANI: It is a mistake to consider Peter Navarro, one of the rare economists to whom Trump gives some credibility, as “eccentric”, “a picture of an accident”, or “a deviation that will soon be fixed”
By RENATO PEIXOTO DAGNINO: A debate that can lead to a policy development process that increases the effectiveness of the New Industry Brazil
By RUI COSTA SANTOS: The left that governs to stay in power based on the institutional and social powers that really exist gives up on transforming the world in favor of the social classes that elected it
By TARSO GENRO: The current stage of decadence of liberal democracy no longer convinces anyone
By RONALDO TADEU DE SOUZA: Proust did not want to write a book that merely described the passage of things that entangle the coexistence between individuals
By LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL: From Donald Trump's term, based on the signs presented so far, we can expect an attempt to organizationalize the American political system.
By ALESSANDRO OCTAVIANI: It is a mistake to consider Peter Navarro, one of the rare economists to whom Trump gives some credibility, as “eccentric”, “a picture of an accident”, or “a deviation that will soon be fixed”
By RENATO PEIXOTO DAGNINO: A debate that can lead to a policy development process that increases the effectiveness of the New Industry Brazil
By RUI COSTA SANTOS: The left that governs to stay in power based on the institutional and social powers that really exist gives up on transforming the world in favor of the social classes that elected it