Fragments XXXII
By AIRTON PASCHOA: Six short pieces
By VINICIUS MADUREIRA MAIA: Comments on the more than seventy notebooks made by Antonio Candido
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: “You shall covet the house of the poor, not the house of the rich, unless he neglects to preserve it for the worship of Lord Capital”
By JOHN KENNEDY FERREIRA: In Brazil there was no evolutionary line that went from the radicalization of the ideals of freedom and equality to Utopian Socialism, as occurred in Europe and even in other Latin American countries.
By PETRÔNIO DOMINGUES: The main expressions of this November 20th are based on the expectation that this nation will uphold the principles of modern democracies
By ANDRÉ MÁRCIO NEVES SOARES: The Brazilian government's difficulty in understanding the meaning of Donald Trump's victory
By VINICIUS MADUREIRA MAIA: Comments on the more than seventy notebooks made by Antonio Candido
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: “You shall covet the house of the poor, not the house of the rich, unless he neglects to preserve it for the worship of Lord Capital”
By JOHN KENNEDY FERREIRA: In Brazil there was no evolutionary line that went from the radicalization of the ideals of freedom and equality to Utopian Socialism, as occurred in Europe and even in other Latin American countries.
By PETRÔNIO DOMINGUES: The main expressions of this November 20th are based on the expectation that this nation will uphold the principles of modern democracies
By ANDRÉ MÁRCIO NEVES SOARES: The Brazilian government's difficulty in understanding the meaning of Donald Trump's victory