The revolutionary dialectic
By NILDO VIANA: Excerpts, selected by the author, from the first chapter of the recently released book
By NILDO VIANA: Excerpts, selected by the author, from the first chapter of the recently released book
By SERAPHIM PIETROFORTE: Since literature is made through language, it is essential to know grammar, linguistics, semiotics, and, in short, metalanguage.
By EDSON TELES: The document has six steps and the final product was defined by the phrase “Lula does not climb the ramp”
By BRANKO MILANOVIĆ: The attitude of Western elites in Donald Trump's first term (and this will probably be the case in his second) is to treat it as some kind of natural disaster and hope it will end quickly.
By EDERSON DUDA & MATHEUS SILVEIRA DE SOUZA: The left can also play in attack
By JOSE ALBERTO ROZA: How to transform the communist island into a tourist destination, in a capitalist world where the desire to consume is immense, but scarcity is present?
By NILDO VIANA: Excerpts, selected by the author, from the first chapter of the recently released book
By SERAPHIM PIETROFORTE: Since literature is made through language, it is essential to know grammar, linguistics, semiotics, and, in short, metalanguage.
By EDSON TELES: The document has six steps and the final product was defined by the phrase “Lula does not climb the ramp”
By BRANKO MILANOVIĆ: The attitude of Western elites in Donald Trump's first term (and this will probably be the case in his second) is to treat it as some kind of natural disaster and hope it will end quickly.
By EDERSON DUDA & MATHEUS SILVEIRA DE SOUZA: The left can also play in attack
By JOSE ALBERTO ROZA: How to transform the communist island into a tourist destination, in a capitalist world where the desire to consume is immense, but scarcity is present?