Vale S/A in the Amazon
The reorganization of space, the dispossession of a large territory and the commodification of land
The reorganization of space, the dispossession of a large territory and the commodification of land
By EDUARDO SINKEVISQUE: “What was there in the Great Sea where Guedes sailed the whale? Beasts of the cruelty of men and unheard-of types of life and buffoonery, of the ilk of their chief”
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: No one has yet presented and made viable an alternative model to the North American capital market economy.
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: Commanders who were resistant to political activism in the barracks belatedly realized the disruptive potential of ultra-reactionary militancy in the ranks
By BRUNO MACHADO: Any government in Brazil is in a situation of lack of monetary sovereignty and cannot seek the development of its productive forces, since it does not even have control over its own public budget.
By VINÍCIO CARRILHO MARTINEZ: We find ourselves at a time when sovereignty is threatened, as much as the urgent thesis of digital sovereignty is presented
The reorganization of space, the dispossession of a large territory and the commodification of land
By EDUARDO SINKEVISQUE: “What was there in the Great Sea where Guedes sailed the whale? Beasts of the cruelty of men and unheard-of types of life and buffoonery, of the ilk of their chief”
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: No one has yet presented and made viable an alternative model to the North American capital market economy.
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: Commanders who were resistant to political activism in the barracks belatedly realized the disruptive potential of ultra-reactionary militancy in the ranks
By BRUNO MACHADO: Any government in Brazil is in a situation of lack of monetary sovereignty and cannot seek the development of its productive forces, since it does not even have control over its own public budget.
By VINÍCIO CARRILHO MARTINEZ: We find ourselves at a time when sovereignty is threatened, as much as the urgent thesis of digital sovereignty is presented