Hegemony transition
By TADEU VALADARES: The rise of China and the return of Russia to great power status have blocked the ultimate imperial, imperialist, Western objective
By TADEU VALADARES: The rise of China and the return of Russia to great power status have blocked the ultimate imperial, imperialist, Western objective
By OSCAR VILHENA VIEIRA: Foreword to the recently released book by Ricardo Carvalho and Otávio Dias
By GILBERTO LOPES: The United States is well aware that it is violating the United Nations Charter and international law
By ANDREW KORYBKO: Russia dodged a bullet by wisely choosing not to ally with the now-defeated Axis of Resistance
By MAURÍCIO VIEIRA MARTINS: 180 years after the writing of the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, revisiting them also holds some additional surprises.
By ROGERIO DE SOUZA: The package presented by Fernando Haddad at the end of November is the most recent episode of the soap opera that has been watched since the 1990s
By TADEU VALADARES: The rise of China and the return of Russia to great power status have blocked the ultimate imperial, imperialist, Western objective
By OSCAR VILHENA VIEIRA: Foreword to the recently released book by Ricardo Carvalho and Otávio Dias
By GILBERTO LOPES: The United States is well aware that it is violating the United Nations Charter and international law
By ANDREW KORYBKO: Russia dodged a bullet by wisely choosing not to ally with the now-defeated Axis of Resistance
By MAURÍCIO VIEIRA MARTINS: 180 years after the writing of the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, revisiting them also holds some additional surprises.
By ROGERIO DE SOUZA: The package presented by Fernando Haddad at the end of November is the most recent episode of the soap opera that has been watched since the 1990s