The business climate
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The freedom of movement of capital on a global scale was created in order to put workers from all over the world in competition
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The freedom of movement of capital on a global scale was created in order to put workers from all over the world in competition
By JOSÉ RAIMUNDO TRINDADE: Science fiction is the literary genre that perhaps makes us think most about solutions to possibly insoluble problems.
By LUIZ CÉSAR MARQUES FILHO: The perception that human societies are facing a process of collapse began to become widespread in the second decade of the century
ByZHAO RUOXI: Macau has managed to preserve its stability and unique identity while experiencing significant socio-economic and cultural development.
By LEANDRO GALASTRI: The colonialist and racist state of Israel will never be able to eliminate the resistance and struggle of the Palestinian people for their sovereignty and the defense of their lands.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Nationalism, through Stalinism, penetrated the thinking and influenced the program and political profile of the Paraguayan left, especially after the end of the Chaco War.
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The freedom of movement of capital on a global scale was created in order to put workers from all over the world in competition
By JOSÉ RAIMUNDO TRINDADE: Science fiction is the literary genre that perhaps makes us think most about solutions to possibly insoluble problems.
By LUIZ CÉSAR MARQUES FILHO: The perception that human societies are facing a process of collapse began to become widespread in the second decade of the century
ByZHAO RUOXI: Macau has managed to preserve its stability and unique identity while experiencing significant socio-economic and cultural development.
By LEANDRO GALASTRI: The colonialist and racist state of Israel will never be able to eliminate the resistance and struggle of the Palestinian people for their sovereignty and the defense of their lands.
By RONALD LEÓN NÚÑEZ: Nationalism, through Stalinism, penetrated the thinking and influenced the program and political profile of the Paraguayan left, especially after the end of the Chaco War.