Civil-military dictatorships – what’s left of them?
By OSVALDO COGGIOLA: The neo-fascist danger is there to demonstrate how precarious our democratic achievements have been
By OSVALDO COGGIOLA: The neo-fascist danger is there to demonstrate how precarious our democratic achievements have been
By ERALDO SOUZA DOS SANTOS: Commentary on the show “For my white friend”, by Rodrigo França and Mery Delmond
By TARSUS GENUS: Fernando Haddad stopped the coup anomie and put politics in its rightful place
By JOÃO DOS REIS SILVA JUNIOR: Struggles should never be seen as just gender-based, but as a radical transformation whose goal is to eradicate all forms of oppression, including sexism, racism and class exploitation.
By UGO RIVETTI: For those who immigrated, the past returns, in the end, with full force, in conversations and in deliriums in bed. And, in the end experienced by those who remain, there remains the unusual suspicion that they may rest on earth
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: The French are witnessing the end of the Fifth Republic before their very eyes
By OSVALDO COGGIOLA: The neo-fascist danger is there to demonstrate how precarious our democratic achievements have been
By ERALDO SOUZA DOS SANTOS: Commentary on the show “For my white friend”, by Rodrigo França and Mery Delmond
By TARSUS GENUS: Fernando Haddad stopped the coup anomie and put politics in its rightful place
By JOÃO DOS REIS SILVA JUNIOR: Struggles should never be seen as just gender-based, but as a radical transformation whose goal is to eradicate all forms of oppression, including sexism, racism and class exploitation.
By UGO RIVETTI: For those who immigrated, the past returns, in the end, with full force, in conversations and in deliriums in bed. And, in the end experienced by those who remain, there remains the unusual suspicion that they may rest on earth
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: The French are witnessing the end of the Fifth Republic before their very eyes