The risk of Lula derailing 3
By CICERO ARAUJO: The current Lula government seems to be stuck in a kind of modified version of “Stockholm syndrome”
By CICERO ARAUJO: The current Lula government seems to be stuck in a kind of modified version of “Stockholm syndrome”
By GABRIELA BRUSCHINI GRECCA: Commentary on the staging directed by Frank Castorf of Thomas Bernhard's play
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: The entire year of 2024 passed without a single word from our greatest memorialist. Abandonment. Indifference. Silence. The exact opposite of the uproar of 1972.
By RUBENS RUSSOMANNO RICCIARDI: The genres of the culture industry are not popular art and function as a colonization fetish as an ideology of domination
By ANTONIO BENTO: Every foreigner has his consul who complains about any injustice he may suffer, and the Brazilian, especially the freedman, does not find support and justice here when he asks for it.
By CICERO ARAUJO: The current Lula government seems to be stuck in a kind of modified version of “Stockholm syndrome”
By GABRIELA BRUSCHINI GRECCA: Commentary on the staging directed by Frank Castorf of Thomas Bernhard's play
By DANIEL AFONSO DA SILVA: The entire year of 2024 passed without a single word from our greatest memorialist. Abandonment. Indifference. Silence. The exact opposite of the uproar of 1972.
By RUBENS RUSSOMANNO RICCIARDI: The genres of the culture industry are not popular art and function as a colonization fetish as an ideology of domination
By ANTONIO BENTO: Every foreigner has his consul who complains about any injustice he may suffer, and the Brazilian, especially the freedman, does not find support and justice here when he asks for it.