Celebrating agrarian reform
By JOHN PEDRO STEDILE: Speech at the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul upon receiving the Farroupilha Medal
By JOHN PEDRO STEDILE: Speech at the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul upon receiving the Farroupilha Medal
By IVANA BENTES: The humanism of I'm Still Here is a relief, but how can we restore a frayed social fabric when extremists have taken up residence in the dining room and in the normative family itself?
By LEONARDO BOFF: Desire is not just any impulse. It is an inner fire that energizes and mobilizes all psychic life.
By ALEXANDRE KUBRUSLY BORNSTEIN: If it is true that neoliberalism establishes and generates specific forms of suffering, it is equally true that critical thinking can transform them into weapons
By EDERGENIO NEGREIROS VIEIRA: Both here and there, racism acts by shaping social and political relations, showing itself in a structural, organic and functional way.
By JOHN PEDRO STEDILE: Speech at the Legislative Assembly of Rio Grande do Sul upon receiving the Farroupilha Medal
By IVANA BENTES: The humanism of I'm Still Here is a relief, but how can we restore a frayed social fabric when extremists have taken up residence in the dining room and in the normative family itself?
By LEONARDO BOFF: Desire is not just any impulse. It is an inner fire that energizes and mobilizes all psychic life.
By ALEXANDRE KUBRUSLY BORNSTEIN: If it is true that neoliberalism establishes and generates specific forms of suffering, it is equally true that critical thinking can transform them into weapons
By EDERGENIO NEGREIROS VIEIRA: Both here and there, racism acts by shaping social and political relations, showing itself in a structural, organic and functional way.