A country boy from Alagoas
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: Preface to the new edition of “Stories of Alexander”, by Graciliano Ramos
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: Preface to the new edition of “Stories of Alexander”, by Graciliano Ramos
By ELIAS JABBOUR: Reflections on the Chinese path through Africa
By PAUL LE BLANC: The German revolutionary asserted the need for genuine democracy for genuine socialism, as well as warning against violations of democracy by the Bolshevik regime in the post-Revolution period.
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: Digital work and automation have reshaped capitalist relations, but the system ultimately still depends on the exploitation of human labor, whether digital, manual or intermediary.
By DANIEL SANTIAGO B. DA SILVA: The ideal of whiteness is forcibly imposed on people in Brazilian society and institutions
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: Preface to the new edition of “Stories of Alexander”, by Graciliano Ramos
By ELIAS JABBOUR: Reflections on the Chinese path through Africa
By PAUL LE BLANC: The German revolutionary asserted the need for genuine democracy for genuine socialism, as well as warning against violations of democracy by the Bolshevik regime in the post-Revolution period.
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: Digital work and automation have reshaped capitalist relations, but the system ultimately still depends on the exploitation of human labor, whether digital, manual or intermediary.
By DANIEL SANTIAGO B. DA SILVA: The ideal of whiteness is forcibly imposed on people in Brazilian society and institutions