We survived the fascist attack on January 8, 2023 and, a year later, here we find ourselves, celebrating last year's victory and the New Year of 2024
January 8, 2023 was and will continue to be the milestone of Brazilian democracy for many decades. Exactly one year ago, the country, having just left the fascist yoke through elections, faced a violent terrorist attack in Praça dos Três Poderes, in the national capital.
In coordinated actions, as if they were military groups trained in “Special Forces”, terrorists vandalized the buildings, symbols, histories and prerogatives of the three constituted powers. The terrorists' target was the Democratic State of Law.
The institutional response was prompt and effective, first de-escalating the terrorists, then complying with orders for the arrest and confinement of many of the agents that tormented Brazilian democracy. Many have not even been identified, some leaders have been appointed, but the law has not yet reached them; Many others were tried and remain in prison, defenseless in the face of the refusal to enjoy the benefits of the Christmas pardon.
The shock, commotion and social indignation were enormous. Scenes of true institutional collapse and moral imbalance traveled the world, as well as the imagination of the Brazilian people. Some of these scenes cannot even be shown to young people and children, such was the political eschatology of January 8, 2023.
On the other hand, on January 8, 2024, not only did the institutions resist, but the Social State was also able to experience a positive cooling in the scope of fundamental social rights. Much needs to be done, obviously, however, in a short time, much has already been done.
One year after the terrorist attacks against the portals of democracy and the Democratic Rule of Law, the Federal Constitution of 1988 (in its essence), the Republic and the national Federation, continue to seek better support in the representation and defense of popular sovereignty.
Rioters (who are not just troublemakers), troublemakers (who are not just troublemakers), terrorists (who, in fact and in law, are terrorists), prisoners, with the right to spend Christmas and New Year “seeing the sunrise square”, they will have plenty of time (they already had some time) to reflect on their worst actions as Brazilian citizens.
A small part of these arrested terrorists adhered to a program of punishment and resocialization (educational principle of punishment), something that can be defined as restorative political justice. Committing themselves in judicial/formal agreements to no longer violate democracy and public institutions, some of the terrorists also found themselves subjected to technical courses on democracy and citizenship. If this, in the near future, does not have the desired basic effects, the students will return to their cells to serve their sentence in full.
The most important thing, finally, is that democratic institutions survived the terrorist attacks, that the people could or can identify with the democratic rule of law and with democratic and active citizenship (according to the Federal Constitution of 1988).
We survived the fascist attack of January 8, 2023 and, a year later, here we find ourselves, celebrating last year's victory and the New Year of 2024, with greater and even more remarkable confidence placed in our consciences, in our actions, in our responses and proposals for citizenship, for the Brazilian people – especially the poor, black and oppressed people.
Public faith, trust in public affairs, rationality and predictability, as they are the legal nature of the Democratic State of Law, continue to be our mottos and premises – as if the Renaissance and the Enlightenment coincided in a single day.
Therefore, if on that January 8, 2023 we were absorbed witnesses, on this January 8, 2024, we are bearers, spokespeople and proponents of the Active Principle of the Democratic Rule of Law.
It is with the republican spirit, just as the Enlightenment celebrated the “Spirit of the Constitution”, that we agree to initial this document:
- Vinício Carrilho Martinez – Social Scientist/UFSCar
- Marcos Del Roio – Full Professor of Political Sciences at UNESP/Marília
- Bruno Jordachi Frohlicki – Teacher in the public school/SP
- Dayane Lopes de Medeiros – Professor and member of the Education Studies and Research Group in Paulo Freire/UFRN
- Josenalvo Cerqueira da Silva – Lawyer – Socio-environmental educator – Environmental and Sociocultural Association of Serra do Cocho (Tremedal-BA)
- Elzário Pereira da Silva – Tourismologist/Rio de Janeiro
- Sebastião Squirra – Professor at ECA/USP
- Lucas Gama – Graduating in Philosophy/UFSCar
- Walter Gustavo Lemos – Lawyer
- Marilia Leite Washington – Professor/UFSCar
- Ana Valeska Duarte – Lawyer
- Aldalucia Macêdo dos Santos – Biology Professor and member of the Diverse Research Group/UFA
- Daniel Amorim – Lawyer
- Jucimar de Melo Pereira – Teacher and Educator at Cursinho Popular Carolina Maria de Jesus/UFSCar
- Guilherme Salgado – Municipal Ombudsman of São Carlos/SP
- Franco Omar Herrera Alvis – Lawyer
- Sandra Maria Guerreiro Saraiva – Lawyer
- Floriano Lins Anselmo – Journalist and Popular Educator in the Web of Socio-Environmental Education and Interaction in Forests/Parintis-AM
- Manoel Rivaldo de Araújo – Lawyer
- Édson Silveira – Lawyer
- Emílio Theodoro Filho – Lawyer
- Antonia Maria Nakayama – Teacher
- Regina Elza Solitrenick – Psychiatry Doctor
- Roberto Kuppê- Political journalist
- Anaide Serafim Silva – Elementary school teacher at the city hall of Salvador
- Maria das Vitória Nunes Silva Lourenço – Lawyer
- Manoel Guimarães Filho- Military police officer and professor at MA
- Antônia Vanda de Paiva – PhD student, São Paulo/SP
- Arquimedes Diógenes Ciloni – professor of Civil Engineering/UFU
- Janete Maria Warta – Lawyer
- Marcelo De Chiacchio Guimarães – Lawyer and Technologist in Public Management
- Regina Azevedo Miguel, Sociologist, Public Executive in the government of São Paulo. Atelier Arte Pau-d’arco in Paranapiacaba
- Jorge Kayano – Instituto Pólis/ SP member of the Participatory Democracy GT of Rede Nossa São Paulo
- Celina Antonia de Aquino – Health Social Worker SP
- Joaniro Amancio Pereira – President of Surep Brasil and member of the Participatory Democracy GT of Rede Nossa São Paulo, also Coordinator of the Perus Anhanguera Municipal Participatory Council.
- Seiti Takahama state coordinator Cry of the Excluded Continental
- Jurandara Coletti – state teaching professor RS – CPERS
- Maria Teresa de Arruda Campos – psychologist and pedagogue
- Jéssica Maria Frocel Holanda Sales – Lawyer
- João Paulo Ferreira da Silva – Historian and Specialist in Public Management.
- Maria Teresa Augusti – Pedagogue, Active in strengthening Public Policies.
- Domingos Donato Mendes Leal – Risk and Insurance Manager – Retired
- Manuel Solla – Professor, leader of Luta Final – AP
- Esilda Alciprete – Lawyer/Consultancy, São José dos Campos, SP
- Zicleide de Lima - Elementary School Teacher - Early years - Queiroz, SP and Elementary and High School Teacher, Education Department of the State of São Paulo
- Maria Helena Mesquita – Lawyer
- Thaís Maria de Araújo Pessoa – assistant professor IV Pedagogy course, State University of Piauí (UESPI) Clóvis Moura Campus
- Marcus Camargo – Full Degree in Philosophy, Bachelor's Degree in Religious Education, Degree in Physical Education, Postgraduate in Es. In Education, Poverty and Social Inequality – UFES. 5th Period Law Student. Philosophy professor at the State Education Network – SEDU. Executive Law – CEEDHES – State Human Rights Committee
- André Gustavo Beck – Chemistry Professor
- Fátima Maria de Lima – Professor, UFT/TO
- Sebastião Monteiro Oliveira – research group Paulo Freire and Youth and Adult Education in the Northern Amazon/UFRR
- Priscilla Barbosa de Carvalho – Costa, Professor and Specialist, Municipal and State – Cordisburgo/MG
- Jaqueline Pelozato – state public school teacher/SC
- José Rubens Silva Lima – teacher at the State Public Network of Alagoas and Municipal Network of Maceió, and professional master's student at ProfEPT
- Gabriel Longatto Clemente – PhD student PPGM/UFSCar
- Gilberto Antônio de Castro Motta jr – OAB/SP 383 286
- Margarete Sacramento Ribeiro – History Teacher. Despite different ideologies, RESPECT IS THE KEY WORD FOR TRUE DEMOCRACY AND ESSENTIAL FOR A SEcular COUNTRY. SÃO VICENTE SP
- Thereza Arlinda Hughes Guerreiro Costa – Retired Psychology Teacher at UEFS – CRP03-111
- João Fernando Costa Júnior – Administrator, Pedagogue, Master in Education Sciences, specialist in distance learning and technologies in education. Educational consultant
- Felipe Pereira da Silva – Portuguese language teacher at Municipal Basic Education in Cuitegi-PB. PhD student in Literature and Interculturality PPGLI/UEPB
- Rosa Gauditano – photographer, São Luiz do Paraitinga, SP
- Henrique Antoun – Full Professor, ECO UFRJ
- Fernanda Luiza da Costa – graduate student in Occupational Therapy at UFSCar
- Ricardo Azevedo – writer
- Priscilla Viégas – Occupational Therapist, anti-asylum feminist mother, defender of Human Rights and democratic freedoms
- Wolhfagon Costa de Araujo – doctor in education, professor at UEPB, president of the Academia de Letras de Solânea-PB
- Laura Cristina Fernandes Palmeira – Geography Teacher. Araçoiaba da Serra-SP
- Prof. Dr. Reinaldo Silva – POLI-USP
- Sueli Mara Soares Pinto – Full Professor at FFCLRP/ECA/USP and Director of the Brazilian Commission on Copyright and Open Access at FEBAB
- Regina Fazioli – librarian and professor UNIFAI /FESPSP
- Diomício Cardoso Melo – Professor-SC
- Prof. dr. José Luiz Proença – ECA-USP
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