Zionist disinformation

Image: Alexandros Chatzidimos


That Zionists do not care about human life is abundantly clear in the actions that followed October 7th

In a recent article about the October 7th attack in Israel and what followed, I attempted to elucidate the narrative presented to the public, using a kind of forensic analysis of the events and stories conveyed by the media. I worried that eminent critics and analysts were being misled by both Zionist and Western disinformation.

What I concluded in that analysis was that October 7th was not a terrorist attack, but rather a strategic military movement, on the part of an occupied people, who exercised their right to resistance, to capitalize on their advantage, taking hostages of the occupying power and, at the same time, dismantling the myth of Zionist military invulnerability.

As with most military moves, there was collateral damage.

As time passed, however, it became clear – from Israeli sources – that the majority of civilian casualties were produced by the hand of the Israeli military, initially by Apache helicopter units, which quickly exhausted most of their ammunition, firing indiscriminately. They were followed by ground forces of tanks and artillery.

That the Zionists do not care about human life is abundantly clear in the actions that followed, indiscriminately attacking civilians in Gaza, where the death toll now approaches 11.000 – perhaps half of them women and children. “It's not our fault”, say the Israelis, “it's the fault of the 'terrorists' who hide behind 'human shields'”.

Of the 240 hostages, the Israelis have already killed 60, perhaps more. Soon they won't have to worry about them, which will remove them as a problem from some negotiating table. Israeli Zionists are practicing what the Nazis called “collective punishment” (collective punishment), usually familiar. Thus, they target women and children.

Journalists are not immune either. Palestinian journalist Mohammad Abu Hasira lost his family when the IDF attacked his home. Likewise, the head of the Al Jazeera, Wael Dahdouh, lost his wife, son, daughter, grandson and at least eight other relatives.

If anyone was ever looking for proof of the influence of German Nazism on Zionism, here it is. The notion of collective punishment It dates back to pre-Roman times, and was common among Germanic, Celtic and Slavic peoples.

Ideologies based on ancient mythologies, such as Nazism and Zionism, often take ancient practices and reinvent them. The Nazis did this with collective punishment, which in ancient times meant that if someone did something bad, like killing someone else, the culprit's family would have to pay a price – usually monetary – if the culprit himself could not afford it. This reflected the communal nature of Germanic tribal cultures, but in most cases did not have any totalitarian intent. The institution aimed to prevent disruptive feuds, as a primitive form of restorative justice.

The Nazi version, however, was intended to make people very, very afraid to act against them. Like Nazi policy, the Zionist version is not codified, but used selectively, in the most diverse ways, generally disguised as “self-defense”. The ultimate purpose, however, is the same as that of the Nazis: totalitarian control.

Terror progressively became, for the Nazis, an agonistic attempt at social management, as their project began to fail on all fronts, failure after failure. Terror thus becomes an expression of defeat.

Now, when the Zionists go under, the United States may eventually be with them, in a drowning embrace.

*Julian Macfarlane is a Canadian journalist.

Translation: Ricardo Cavalcanti-Schiel.

Originally published in New Forensics/Substack.

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