“There are ideas and ways of thinking that have the seeds of life in them, and there are others, perhaps in the depths of our minds, that have the seeds of a general death. The measure of our success in recognizing these two types and naming them, thus enabling their collective recognition, may literally be the measure of our future.”
Raymond Williams
The deputy's portrait does not consider politics as our ability - very human - to make the necessary desirable
I believe that many of us have already asked ourselves what the image of death would be. Perhaps many are possible, but one, in particular, in the past week had a great impact on me: a young and angelic face (after all, we know that the representation of angels is always blonde children, curly hair and blue eyes) a garland in the hair ( as we know, garlands refer to marriage and fertility), in his right hand a high-powered rifle, but always with a smile on his lips. A beige T-shirt with more guns on it and, in English, a phrase: “come and get this”, but what exactly is that referring to? On the right side of the shirt an open hand, detail, the hand has four fingers and three bullet holes. On the side, in golden color, four different types of projectiles.
Federal deputy Júlia Pedroso Zanatta (PL-SC) published this photo on all her social networks and added: “We cannot let our guard down”. The image of death is defined as mother, wife, lawyer and journalist and the use of the wreath is recurrent in her public appearances to the point of having become a brand, for whom there is no doubt: it is also possible to give birth to death. The photo is completely contradictory: it announces life, but exalts death; announces peace, but propagates hatred. What emotional, instinctual or economic gratification is involved in displaying such a horrendous image?
The portrait leaves no room for the future. There is no future in death. It leaves no room for the hope of a peaceful coexistence. It does not consider politics as our capacity, very human, to make the necessary desirable. She sends out only one message, which fuels hatred: if it's up to me, I'll kill you! The question we urgently need to answer is: can there be space in the public sphere, in politics, for people who express themselves in this way? Can the death wish be used as freedom of expression? Is it possible for us to rebuild a minimally respectful social coexistence with such exaltation of death and violence spreading in our state?
Julia Pedroso Zanatta-Death, it will not pass!
* Adriano Luiz Duarte is professor of history at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
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