By Chico Alencar*
SHE is ours totally other, without which we would never exist.
SHE is our equal, so many times superior in her perception of the world and in her sensitivity to those sunk in “nobody”.
SHE Is warrior delicacy, beauty that blooms, but is known above all as a stem, trunk and sap.
SHE IS the generator of life, the one who bears and cares, much more than we do.
SHE Is beauty when she refuses the consumerist standard of aesthetics and says “no” to those who insist on “commodifying her” as a bed and table object, without any ethics.
SHE Is the continuity of the species, ageless, woven in wonder: grandmother, mother, sister, companion and daughter.
SHE is a secular victim of discrimination and utilitarianism, in societies of different types and cultures, with this trait of disunity: machismo, patriarchy, oppression.
ELA It is economically plundered, throughout history and even today, with wages on average 25% lower than those of men.
SHE Is the one whose gender, combined with skin color and social situation, makes up one of the most vulnerable sectors attacked by the God-Market.
SHE IS the target of growing femicide, a crime that has increased by more than 30% among us in the last ten years – a violent reaction to her courageous assertion.
SHE IS the one who today, on this exact March 8th, in Brazil – warns the IPEA Atlas of Violence and the fair judge Andréa Pachá – will be killed in 13 bodies and stories, as were 4.936 last year, the highest number since 2007.
SHE is attacked and undeserved, cowardly, by anti-republican authorities of the Republic and in the narrow-minded networks of barbarism, in the person of journalists, activists and fighters for their rights so denied.
SHE IS the one without which Humanity would not be.
SHE IS, in liberating religiosity, the Almighty Love, the feminine God that was missing, the humus of the human creature, the “EvaVida” of divine creation.
SHE, first of all, IS.
And re-educate us, and stand up.
*Chico Alencar is a professor, writer and former federal deputy for PT and PSOL