In this episode of the website's talk show the earth is round, we talked to Rodrigo Nunes about the melancholy of the left, the lessons learned from the global cycle of political mobilizations of the 2010s, about June 2013, the advance of the extreme right and the possible answers to the challenges of the contemporary world.
Rodrigo Nunes has a degree in social and legal sciences from the Federal University of Pelotas, a master's degree in Philosophy from PUC do Rio Grande do Sul and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of London. From 2013 to 2023, he taught in the philosophy department at PUC-Rio and since the beginning of 2023 he has worked as a professor of political theory at the University of Essex, in the United Kingdom. His career is also marked by an important role in public debate, which can be seen in the texts he wrote for various publications in Brazil and around the world. In 2022, he published, by Editora UBU, From Trance to Vertigo: essays on Bolsonarism and a world in transition and has just been released, by the same publisher, Neither Vertical Nor Horizontal: a theory of political organization, translation of a book with the same title that was published by Verso in 2021.
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