The only prospect of the future

Image_Elyeser Szturm

It has never been more current to be a communist. The right already knows this and, for this very reason, mobilizes all its efforts against the political organizations of work to guarantee that the future is a non-future, that is, eternal inhumanity.

By Fabio Dias*

It is widely known that since the days of June 2013, the fascist right in Brazil has carried out a vigorous and insistent anti-communist propaganda for the working class as a whole.

At first, this fierce campaign seemed a little strange to the reformist sectors of the left. After all, receiving an avalanche of messages on social networks with slogans affirming the need for political and ideological combat against the advance of communism in the country seemed delirious, even more so when one had in mind the limited presence of Marxism in Brazilian universities and the collapse of the so-called socialist experiences of the XNUMXth century.

As it is common in acute psychotic crises for the patient to self-identify with historical characters from the past, according to the perspective of the reformist left, this fierce attack on communism seemed to be the result of a serious psychiatric disorder on the right since, in a world where capitalism ( apparently) had triumphed, rescuing the past buried by the end of the cold war would be a real nonsense.

What this allegedly sober look of reformism on the current situation was unaware of was exactly what it allegedly claimed to dominate: history. Looking at its peers in amazement when the fascist right wing, at the very beginning of the XNUMXst century, insistently called on the masses to fight against communism, Brazilian reformism – represented by the PT, PSOL, PCdoB, PDT and the like – peremptorily demonstrated that its point of view view of the present time and its prospect of the future was indeed a colossal intoxication.

If there was a great lesson given by Istvan Mészáros, it was the attempt to re-educate the left for the following fact: the XNUMXth century gave full proof that capital is an uncontrollable force that seeks to control everything. Taking seriously and drawing the most radical conclusions from Marx's work as a whole, Mészáros did not surrender to the Althusserian fad that sought to establish an epistemological break between young and old Marx. Far from it, Mészáros correctly understood that the theory of alienation in Marx – currently translated in Brazil by the word “estrangement” [alienation] – is a constitutive and core part of his critique of capital. By understanding this and other critical lessons from political economy, the Hungarian thinker was able to understand that the crisis that unfolded from the 1960s onwards is structural and destructive, that is, it confronts us with the impossibility of thinking of a way out of the barbarism that plagues us within the framework of the bourgeois order (or any other form of class society).

In short, it is impossible to humanize capitalism! Within the framework of its sociometabolism, capital cannot submit to any attempt at self-determined control of society because it is the finished synthesis of the alienation of effective life.

For this reason, faced with the structural crisis of capital, the intelligentsia The fascist of our century knows very well that capitalism in its decadent phase can only survive through the deepening of barbarism.

The fact that a whole movement emerged in Brazil from June 2013 that screams hysterically against communism is not by chance. The existence of organizations like MBL, Vem pra Rua, Instituto Mises, Instituto Brasil 200, etc. is part of this process of bestialization of the masses – this way of being that was fundamental to create a base of support for Bolsonaro and any other vociferous anomaly that comes along. to become power – and indicates that we are facing the last phase of capital's power. After all, the adoption of anti-communist propaganda by fascist organizations finds in the defense of ultra-neoliberalism and other possible destructive practices of nature and humankind its leitmotiv. Thus, the frontal attack on communism promoted by fascism in our time clearly demonstrates that we are facing the moment when capital has acquired full self-awareness of what it actually is.

This all means that, at the beginning of the XNUMXst century, we are experiencing a unique historical moment. The anticommunism of the fascists of our time, contrary to that of the fascists of the last century, finds its existence in the open and shameless apology of this way of social life based on human self-alienation and, more than that, such apology does not seek to rescue an alleged ideal of a harmonious man, higher than the former, as Mussolini and Hitler claimed to defend, but rather the current fascism praises horror, destruction, in short, barbarism. In this sense, it is understood that the fascism of our century is anti-communist not because it still finds some illusion regarding the civilizing capabilities of capital, but rather because it has acquired the true awareness that the existence of capital is only viable through an openly society inhuman.

The right today, therefore, tends to become fascist and necessarily anti-communist not for merely circumstantial issues (as is the case with the electoral dispute), but for structural reasons. As capital no longer supports any type of structural reform that implies progress for the whole of humanity, it is up to the bourgeoisie, its class allies and its political-ideological structure, to carry out the project of stagnating historical time. It follows that the insistent attack on communism perpetrated by the fascist right has a historic mission for capital: to derail any project for a truly possible future for humanity.

If there is any madness on the right, here we find it. For her, the future can only exist as non-future, that is, as a repetition or deepening of the inhumanity of the present moment. We are definitely not facing the classic case of delirium, but of neurosis. All slogans against communism propagated by Brazilian fascism are actually not false, but extremely realistic within a very particular sense. This is not a realism based on the immediate struggle of fascism against an already existing communist movement, but on the immediate struggle of this same fascism against a communist movement that has the fullest objective condition to develop and be successful in its purposes of overcoming of the sociometabolic order of capital.

In short, being a communist has never been more up-to-date. The right already knows this and, for this very reason, mobilizes all its efforts against the political organizations of work to guarantee that the future is a non-future, that is, eternal inhumanity. Now, it is up to the consistent left, committed to humanity as a whole, to take on such self-awareness and make the nightmare of fascism the dream for mankind.

Long live the society of the future! Long live communism!

* Fabio Dias Professor of Sociology at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

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