“Vital” geopolitical ambitions



Donald Trump, who, having been elected President of his country, showed his unbridled arrogance, turning the American election into a plebiscite to govern the world

Great poems and great prose literature span all eras and suddenly revive in human sensibility anchored in the present. Dante, Shakespeare, Machado de Assis, Cervantes and García Lorca are examples. Consider this poem by García Lorca: “Wherever they animate, they order\ Silences of dark gum\ And fears of fine sand\ They pass, if they wish to pass\ And hide in their heads\ A vague astronomy\ Of inconcrete pistols.”

It is a poem whose universality can refer to both an unbridled police raid in a peripheral neighborhood and the speeches of Donald Trump, who, having become President of his country, showed his unbridled arrogance by transforming the American election into a plebiscite to govern the world. His internal territory has become part of the planet's territory and his internal barbarity, dominated by the arms industry and big-tech (inconcrete guns) has been transferred to the entire world.

García Lorca's poem, “Romance of the Spanish Civil Guard”, first published in book form in 1928 – in his classic Gypsy romance – tells the tragic and poetic story of a raid by the Spanish State Police in Andalusia at the beginning of the 20th century. It was a raid against the gypsies, who were oppressed and expelled, as were – throughout Western modernity – various peoples, minority nationalities and unwanted ethnic groups, scapegoats for the legal and illegal powers granted by the de facto or de jure State.

In the events that preceded the Second World War and the rise of Hitler and Mussolini, in a way analogous to what is happening now in the “globalized” world, there was a dispute over the way of life that should be built after the barbarity of the First World War and the rights of each person, opened up by the social and political revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, the situation is much more serious because there is already a political power that is not only intended, but already realized, in a cross between Hitler and Mussolini, installed in the character and political program of Trump and his closest leaders.

Armenians, Jews, Arabs, and indigenous peoples from all over the American continent are just a sample of the large and small genocides that have built modern nation states and their power structures. Structures that are both internally focused, within their territory, and externally focused, in their “vital” geopolitical ambitions, as well as in the search for energy sources available outside their sovereign territory.

Who expected, in mature, even decadent, modernity, that suddenly in 50 years of technological, environmental and social mutations, all over the world, a President would transform the entire territory of the globe into a territory of national control of his State, to expand his ambitions of power to the unlimited frontiers of infinity? “Wherever they encourage, they order”, with their “inconcrete pistols”, these in the hands of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, his now partners in the United States of America Corporation, whose supreme objective is to assault the world in the name of God (of money), of the Fatherland (American) and of the Family (religious).

The reactions of the democracies still established in the world to Donald Trump's series of blunders will not be identical, but those that resist - even on the margins conquered from the oligopolies of global finance - will have a better and more dignified future than the fate reserved by "Trumpism" for those who kneel without fighting to exist as a Nation.

The need for Charters like “Juntos em Frente” (Together Forward), already signed by dozens of regional and national leaders, who defend democratic unity for budgetary decency and against oligarchic patronage in Congress, was tragically updated by Donald Trump’s speeches at his circus-of-horrors inauguration at the White House. It will be documents and Charters like this that will add to a new political awareness of those who lead national politics in the field of democracy, and for those who will be called to vote in 2026, that will define our future for several decades, beyond the climate crisis that we will face throughout this century. If we endure.

*Tarsus in law he was governor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, mayor of Porto Alegre, Minister of Justice, Minister of Education and Minister of Institutional Relations in Brazil. Author, among other books, of possible utopia (arts & crafts). [https://amzn.to/3DfPdhF]

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