Lost bird of prey

Hélio Oiticica, Metaesquema, 1950.


Poem against violence and its consequences.

For Filipe, Tigre, Grave, Condor Azeredo Rios.

“— And who was it that ambushed him,\ brothers of souls,\ who unleashed against him\ that bullet bird?\ — It's hard to say there,\ brother of souls,\ there's always a bullet flying\ unoccupied.

— And what had he done,\ brothers of souls,\ and what had he done\ against that bird?\ …\ — But then why did they kill him,\ brothers of souls,\ but then why did they kill him\ with a shotgun?\ — It wanted to spread out more,\ brother of souls,\ it wanted to fly more freely\ that bullet bird.\ — And now what will happen,\ brothers of souls,\ what will happen\ against the shotgun ?\ — There’s more field to release,\ brother of souls,\ there’s more where to make the bullet daughters fly” (João Cabral de Melo Neto, Severina life and death).


a lost bullet bird
without threshing floor
look for a place
to live

and almost always
when finding
don't make your nest body
an altar
but only
a chaste and shallow wake
first repertoire
to a new address

city ​​bullet bird
not for dessert
just rush in search
of a new nest body

and when you find
promotes two houses

one for herself
bullet bird in agony

and a new house
for a useless body



bullet birds there are many
............... ..skittish
..............................in droves

no land on the wire

but by a thread
slips on every body
where sometimes
..............................she lands
struggling in the dark

of urban bullet birds
don't talk about the nest
but machine gun

from there they leave
go downhill
slide up the hill
these bullet birds
so different from those
from the goat family

why these bullet birds
who escape from the carbines
create a cloud of fear
cover the sun
............... ..carry regrets
............... ..take bad luck
............... ..take pains

and snuggle
in new nest bodies
and in them
the bullet birds
stay forever

even when withdrawn
hollows remain
in the body inside
just filled
with the tears

of a nest body
that does not resuscitate



a bullet bird
it's always prey

she comes quietly

and when it arrives
more than amazement
open throats
in divine fury

no way
a being is gone
bro or not
citizen or not
police or not
dealer or thief
............... ..face down



a bullet bird
always leave a name
on a tombstone
and two dates
and tears and flowers
and scattered dreams
and hair pulled out
and a sour odor
...............................of absences

a bullet bird
build a void
in a full body

a bullet bird
without any sweetness
without any question
without any asking please

and then
what can a body
otherwise list
and deeply



a bullet bird
............... ..(of prey)
............... ..lost
comes unwrapped
madly winged
and when penetrating
without any orgasm

a bullet bird
is born and kills
in the capital and inland
..............................of any body

a bullet bird
is born and kills
capital and work

a bullet bird
does not choose time or space
it can be (a)morning afternoon evening or today
rain sun noon dew

a bullet bird
more than divine work
is part of the extension
of a man-animal-man
of your hate
of your anger
of your mistake
............... ..to the sky
............... ..to the lion
of your strange love
of your riding stars
of your dominating the sea
of your daring to air



a flying bird
don't choose continent
nor hat
for self reverence
just make a fuss

make any body
absent or present
underlying thing
thing that floats down the river

a bullet bird
............... ..of prey or not
make the body hot
cold object

a bullet bird released in the wind
makes each subject
elusive abject object
wrapped in songs, cries
murmurs and litanies

even after withdrawal
the bullet bird does not bring back
the life that flew

she reigns – the bullet bird –
in the memory of those who stayed
in the sprawled gaze of the one who looked
in the interrupted gesture of someone who is silent
in the choked voice of the one who spoke
in the deaf ear of those who heard
the sibylline hiss
neither snake nor feline
nor the risk in the air
only one everything that awaits
a body before the bullet bird
............... ..prey
............... ..lost

............... ..suddenly

a nothing
and she – the bullet bird found –
is gently forgotten
on the autopsy table
to be remembered
in the gloomy funeral parlor



a lost bullet bird
after finding
always leaves a sequel
and nobody gets rid
from her memory

a lost bullet bird
never falls into the sewer

always come out of one
angry man
angry man
junk man
hate man
gray man
asshole man

the more the hate grows
plus the lost bullet bird
turns into prey

and more she enters
to trumpets
or muted



the lost bullet bird
............... ..of prey
don't choose good or bad weather
when she introduces herself
someone is near the end

and it's always a gift
that perpetuates
be young child
old adult

just be people
woman and man
and the bird of prey
don't beg
and it becomes anti-seed



but the lost bullet birds
............... ..of prey
have special preference
(juvenile predilection)
by plane boys
those who take
............... ..and sprinkle things
for greater pleasures
called drugs
of hallucination
and let people
inside yourself from inside
out of nowhere

and these young children
find the bullet birds
found in any darkness
and walk with it in their pockets
when should they suck
instead of turning them around
in any body are

And suddenly
these bullet birds
............... ..of prey
turn against them
lost bullet birds
of prey



and by chance of the bullet
there is a sunset
a sweet life ends
what could have been
calm or intrepid

and the bullet birds
............... ..of prey
............... ..losses
.............................. ..to the lion
comply each time
your best role
of populating of
archangel angels
cherubim and seraphim
.............................. ..the sky

*Fernando Rios is a journalist, poet and artist.


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