Blanca Alaníz (Queretaro, 1989): visual artist graduated in Arts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). In 2014, she held a research residency in São Paulo at the PPG in Visual Arts (Escola de Comunicações e Artes – USP). In the same year, she won the first prize (in the Graphics category) of the “Punto de Partida” (UNAM) culture section competition.
In 2017, he participated in the Perspectivas de la Crítica seminars, at the Centro de la Imagen, and in the workshop “O Mundo Imagem”, at the Museo Universitario del Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC – UNAM). In 2018 – 2019, she was a scholarship holder of the Young Creators of Culture and Arts program, in the Graphic area. In 2019, she won honorable mention, at the XXXIX National Meeting of Young Art, in Aguascalientes (Mexico). She has recently participated in group shows at Faro Tláhuac, at the San Ildefonso museum, at the Museo Bicentenario de México and at the Víctor Sandoval House of Culture (Aguascalientes, Mexico).
His graphic work (in serigraphy) and photographic work (digital and analogue) focuses notably on modern architecture, on commerce and goods as cultural objects, taking an interest, in this sense, in highlighting aspects related to mass production and to precarious work, in opposition to the constructive ideals of modernity.