BNCC-NEM, the chloroquine curriculum

Image: Abdelrhman Magdy


It has deleterious effects on the education of basic education students in the short, medium and long term

There is no scientific evidence or empirical proof (in Brazil or abroad) of its effectiveness. Its use depends basically on belief, faith and/or vague conviction. Leading researchers in the field of Education and Curriculum do not recommend it and warn of the dangers of occasional or continuous use.

Many curious people from the most diverse areas (from economists to business administrators, from journalists to astrologers) have their say about its supposed benefits and advantages for basic education. No serious and committed educator-researcher in the field of Education, in the world (!), follows suit.

It has harmful effects on the education of students in basic education in the short, medium and long term. It has serious side effects on the production of teaching materials, higher education and teacher training courses. It is only of interest to business reformers who make a lot of money from their expanded businesses in the education sector.

The advocates of this drug strongly recommend it to students from the lower classes of the population with few economic resources and little access to the cultural capital of the dominant classes. The apologists for these drugs do not apply them to their relatives, children, grandchildren, nephews and stepchildren.

It is commonly administered in combination with other drugs, depending on the “training path” (sic) taken by the student, almost always basic “vocational education”, aimed at the working class.

Os benefactors, as enthusiasts of this drug are called, advocate its application to any student in any part of the country, regardless of the specific characteristics of the regional, local and school reality.

Such deniers disregard the countless studies and diverse research carried out in the field of Education and Curriculum over the last 50 years, within the scope of the main Brazilian universities.

It is preferably intended for teachers who are followers of recipes, prescriptions and magical pedagogical formulas. It is intended for the execution of external systemic evaluation processes associated with alphanumeric codes.

It must be applied in association with other alien drug-disciplines, such as Entrepreneurship and Life Project, without a defined object, and which can be worked on by any teacher of any training, including non-teachers and unqualified subjects.

It is contraindicated for teacher-researchers, teacher-intellectuals, creative teachers, and intellectually autonomous teachers. It can cause states of momentary alienation or permanent cognitive damage, and is especially dangerous for unsuspecting users.

Dangerous Drug Interactions: the continuous use of BNCC associated with other drugs such as Teaching Platform (see SP and PR) and Civic-Military Schools (see PR, SP, BA, RS, RO, SC, MG, GO, MT, MS, PA, MA, TO, PI, PE) can cause irreversible damage to the brain and cognitive capacity (and to public funds!), as well as mental illness in teachers.

PS 1: Regardless of the different versions that circulated on the market (see BNCC of History), which caused great controversy among experts about their ideal formula, it must be considered that the active ingredient has always been the same: evaluated curriculum.

OS 2: There is no “BNCC that we want”. BNCC is BNCC®, it strictly follows the original formula that is independent of the area, version or disputes in the field, it is based on strict mechanisms of control of students and teachers, exorbitant profits for businesspeople in the sector and extortion of public coffers.[I]

*Antonio Simplicio de Almeida Neto is a professor in the History Department of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). Author of, among other books, Utopian representations in history teaching (Ed. Unifesp) []


[I] A first version of this text was published in the e-book (free) Poietic Dialogues on History, History Teaching, Memory and Education, authored by ALMEIDA NETO, Antonio Simplicio de and MELLO, Paulo Eduardo Dias de. Porto Alegre/RS: Editora Fi, 2021.

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