
Image_Elyeser Szturm

By Roberto Bueno*

The criticism repeatedly aired against China has a single and exclusive motivation, namely, to destroy Sino-Brazilian relations in the face of the exclusive economic and geopolitical interests of the US empire.

Brazil's economic liquidation strategy, which also involves the extermination of a significant volume of the Brazilian population, has secure and unconditional support in the empire, for which the national executors not only figuratively salute. None of this is possible to understand, however, without taking as a counterpoint the decay of the North American empire, whose progressive agony finds its counterpart in the unstoppable and planned Chinese advance already well perceived by Brzezinski (2005, p. 141), and that a decade later would be the object of a public demonstration by Xi Jinping at the Davos Forum, shortly after the inauguration of Donald Trump, whose content was the country's immediate willingness to assume a greater share in the exercise of world leadership, something perceived by Washington as a threat (see STEPHEN , 2017).

The decline of the empire should not lead to believe in a considerable loss of importance in the international geopolitical game in view of its very privileged position conquered over several decades (cf. BRZEZINSKI, 2005, p. 147), but that the Chinese rise and its alliance with Russia it will impose an important decrease of the empire, a scenario that connects with the perspective of the economic agony of the imperial power, which is not peaceful, but quite the opposite. In its manifestation in Latin America, the ongoing project is that of total subjugation, nothing less, and in terms of international relations, it gains an important chapter in the successive attacks on China, yet another stage in the process of radical isolation to which Brazil has been led in the international scenario after decades in which the country rose to positions of international prestige.

The penultimate chapter of the attacks on China by representatives of power found a response in a note from Chinese diplomacy endowed with meridian clarity signed by the Consul General of the People's Republic of China in Rio de Janeiro, Mr. Li Yang (2020), where he stated that “Brazil must not become a vassal or a chess piece of another country, otherwise the result would be a total defeat in a game with good cards”. The tone of the note flatteringly confirms Brazil's position in the international geopolitical scenario, referring to an economic giant, between the lines, therefore, the suggestion that its elites chose to reduce it to the position of a mere pawn in spite of its most expensive interests.

This unstoppable desire to completely submit the nation to the interests of the empire leads to the conclusion that the country has abdicated a sovereign foreign policy, a descriptive situation of a government that operates according to the typical parameters of a protectorate, a State subordinated to the power that decides the course of action. its foreign policy, emasculating it of its sovereignty, without disregarding the high level of interference, when not control, of its institutions. In this context, the reasons for the statements and decisions of some authorities and their advisors are explained, who periodically dedicate themselves to preparing attacks on China, soon denied or modified, to, later, return to the charge. The actors who occupy positions of authority have been behaving as mere representatives of the interests of the empire, in open and absolute disregard for the most direct interests of the Brazilian people, even in critical times like the present that involves the serious pandemic threat embodied by Covid-19. XNUMX, with the potential to be the greatest tragedy on a planetary scale since World War II.

In the course of a very serious global pandemic crisis, on April 05, 2020, the Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, resumed the routine of attacks on China, once again referring to the country as the point of origin of the covid-19 virus. He articulated the diatribe at a fragile moment in relations marked by the fact that China has already started to retaliate against the Brazilian economy by preventing agricultural products from entering the country and, in a married way, preventing the export of essential medical products to support the fight against the pandemic in Brazil , contrary to the Chinese policy with Italy, to which it sent a plane full of resources. The manifestations of the Brazilian authorities can be clearly characterized as directly causing many deaths in the coming days when we will begin to observe the (a) spread of contagion and (b) the lack of adequate equipment to help the infected.

The association of Covid-19 with an alleged Chinese machination leads to the stigmatization and fomentation of hatred against a specific national group. Although it is known that the virus became known due to its spread in the Chinese city of Wuhan, what is not absolutely proven is that the virus originates in China. However, even if the autochthonous character of the virus were to be proven one day – and it is a possibility that the virus was spread in that region in the face of a possible bacteriological war against China – its emergence there would be probabilistically understandable in the face of the geographical extension of the country and its significant population (1,3 billion) relative to the world as a whole (7,7 billion). The Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan does not mean that the city was the source of the virus. In the core of the empire, its Center for Disease Control and Prevention admitted that in 2019 there had been deaths due to Covid-19, a hypothesis that would confirm that the focal point of the virus would not be the Chinese city.

The repeated insults to China reveal the objective of causing the greatest possible damage or, within the limits of benevolent expectations for the empire, the rupture of Sino-Brazilian relations, which were maintained even by the Brazilian military governments originating from the 1964 coup d'état at the level of mutual respect based on pragmatism, given the irreconcilable ideological differences and the already notable North American influence. The gigantic proportions of the economic relations of both countries is well represented by the fact that the Brazilian trade balance surplus finds 2/3 of this total in its trade relationship with China.

This is the target of the US attack in a historical period in which its economic decline is perceptible, something evident in the face of the resurgence of the pandemic crisis that ruthlessly victimized all countries, but especially the peripheral ones that do not have enough resources to do so. against the viral challenge. Paradoxically, the richest country in the world has a precarious public health system, unable to reorganize industrial production to meet emergency social purposes in this area, leading the government to openly intervene in consolidated trade relations of political allies such as France and Germany –, in addition to the unconditional Brazil –, diverting massive loads of masks and mechanical ventilators to its territory. But if this is the objective sign of the decadence of a country that watches impotently the exponential increase in the calculation of victims in its territory that points to comparisons with the biggest wars in which the empire was involved.

The decline of the empire gained visibility when the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) were formed and developed – an acronym created by Jim, O’Neill, from the investment bank Goldman Sachs –, which came to embody a considerable threat economic and geopolitical. While in the 1990s the BRIC countries accounted for 25% of world production, on the other hand, in 2015 it already accounted for 56%, and for 85% of the world population while controlling approximately 70% of world reserves (cf. MONIZ BANDEIRA, 2018, p. 460). This was a frankly challenging economic and geopolitical scenario and President Obama expressed awareness of the fact when individually mentioning in his commencement speech at West Point on May 28, 2014 which were the countries he considered to be in a position of hostility to the US (cf. MONIZ BANDEIRA, 2018, p. 460). This analysis was empirically applied by the empire, leading it to make efforts to reconfigure its area of ​​full domain in South America, given the progressive and crushing defeat in Asia and the considerable losses of influence in European territory in the face of the advance and consolidation of the Chinese Silk Road that was entering that community space. The threat was configured in the founding in 2015 of the New Development Bank, as an alternative instrument to the planetary organizations intimately connected to the empire, the IMF and the World Bank.

This loss of power is evidenced by the fact of the humanitarian aid provided by China to the USA with planes arriving loaded with health material and resources to the collapsed New York that the magnificent empire was unable to produce for its citizens. This fact supports the finding of imperial decay present in the analysis of the aforementioned Consul-General, Mr. Li Yang. In a recent political note published in the Brazilian press with the purpose of defending his country from unreasonable attacks carried out by national authorities, the Consul General underlined that “The United States was indeed a great and glorious country.. However, at this critical point in the advancement of human civilization, the US has lost its historic position and sense of development, becoming almost wholly troublemakers in international affairs, and a source of threat to world peace and security”. (YANG, 2020).

In a historical perspective, the openly bellicose character of the country is evident, since from its founding in 1776 until December 2015, no less than 218 years have passed under war, and only 21 of peace. If live pacem, for bellum, therefore, it is a principle taken to the extreme by US foreign policy anchored in the economic ambitions of the war industry and the military complex of the country in which the Pentagon stands out, both connected with the conforming powers of the Constitution de facto, which lends meaning to the formal Constitution of law, that is to say, Wall Street, large banks and segments of the political world. These actors coordinate the interests of large transnational corporations in key areas, from banking to oil, but also war material and cutting-edge scientific production, including chemistry and applied engineering. The objective of the empire is to magnify the areas of its influence through the creation of a controlled economic space, under the palatable pretext of supporting and developing democracy in the allied peoples. Like a Trojan Horse, what it really offers each of its allies are the control instruments of the transnational financial capital whose gauntlets are in Wall Street and adjacencies.

Apart from the consequences of the US confrontation with China, however aggravated in economic disfavor of the empire by the Sino-Russian strategic alliance, the degree of conflict that has been marking US foreign policy for many decades in several continents is remarkable, being the Latin American experience is particularly rich in this respect, given the many financing activities to destabilize legitimately elected governments and, not infrequently, coups d'état, as was the case in Chile, without ignoring other cases of direct military intervention and the multiple threats as in the recent case of Venezuela (1), and the fact of its privileged commercial relations with China, with emphasis on the sale of oil, is an essential aspect to understand the North American interest.

In this regard, the interpretation of the Consul General, Mr. Li Yang, underlining that the imperial foreign policy is profoundly disconnected from the ideals of the country's founders, at the time aimed at ensuring justice, although we must recognize their aristocratic positions, and that some, like Thomas Jefferson, were notorious slaveholders .

The attacks against China that have been published in Brazil do not adhere to national interests, leading to the assumption that their elaboration does not occur in national territory, given their significant destructive potential. The clear objective is to fracture the political relations between both countries and, therefore, make their economic relations, between which there is no history of serious conflicts or deep divergences, unfeasible. Aware that the trade balance with the Asian country is extremely favorable to Brazil, in the tens of billions, the delegated authorities of the empire in Brazilian territory remain committed to their task of achieving two objectives, namely, the first, to destroy the economy Brazil, making the country absolutely dependent on the imperialist matrix while supplying all its natural resources at low prices and, secondly, compromising China to some extent by depriving it of access to some strategic goods that it imports from Brazil such as primary products and natural resources such as ore.[1]

The attacks suffered by China by a federal legislative representative familiarly linked to the highest authority of the Republic had a direct response. The Chinese Government has adopted a fugitive tone to those traditionally employed by diplomacy, and this time direct, without disdaining the use of adjectives and threatening irony. The Consul General's note pointed out that China “never wanted and does not want to create enmity with any country. However, if any country insists on being an enemy of China, we will be its most qualified enemy!” Undoubtedly, this is a very serious warning sent directly to the heart of the Brazilian Government, moreover using an exclamation mark at the end of an incisive period full of warning that dangerously borders on a diplomatic rupture. In the face of successive charges, there are already assessments indicating that the traditionally discreet and pragmatic Chinese diplomacy may have reached the limit of its patience with the Brazilian authorities who guide their public statements according to the principle of serving US interests.

The criticism of the Chinese government expressed in the consular text makes a disdainful reference to a country that finds political actors close to the core of power that touch the primordial commitments with their homeland, since they do not conduct their affairs in a sovereign way, but as mere mandalets of the empire , even when what is at stake for the country is the imminent loss of more than 2/3 of its trade balance surplus and the lives of millions of Brazilians (2). Even when the Consul-General makes a temporizing move following his text by pointing out that not all insults to China could pave the way for enmity with Brazil, he does not fail to reiterate that, however, this indeed could cause a negative impact on the bilateral relations. Prior notice was passed in the consular note and in the following days it was possible to observe in practice the first restrictive actions by China, one of them related to Brazilian slaughterhouses.

Perhaps on very few occasions in Brazilian history has it been possible to observe with such clarity the actions of traitors to the country, in the light of day, and under the complacent silence of key positions in the highest institutions, but not without the passive gaze of a significant part of the population and the perplexity of another segment of it, still counting on the unconditional adherence of approximately third part of the population, which is allowing itself to be led to the scaffold, similarly to what happened under the National Socialism under Hitler, until the last days, when the Soviets were already on the doorstep of Berlin. The purposeful deterioration of Sino-Brazilian relations is just a full example of the broader project of destruction of Brazil.

The criticisms that are being brought to the public targeting China and its people do not represent the feeling of friendship that brings both peoples together, who have historically maintained peaceful and friendly relations. The criticisms repeatedly aired have a single and exclusive motivation, namely, to destroy Sino-Brazilian relations in the face of the exclusive economic and geopolitical interests of the US empire, which an important segment of the Brazilian political elite chose to privilege, even if this means adopt a position of abject servility that punishes millions of Brazilians. We need to recognize it, as it is one of the ways we have to understand how those who work for the purpose of destroying Brazil and all its development paths paved hard for decades by the Brazilian people act. The forge of this diplomatic crisis with China is one of the axes that fully demonstrate this strategy of destruction.

*Roberto Bueno Professor of Philosophy of Law at UFU


1) While this text was being written on April 5, 2020, a video analysis carried out by the Portuguese sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos was broadcast, in which he indicated the imminence of the invasion of Venezuela by the US Armed Forces. Available in: . Accessed on: April 5, 2020.

2) In addition to the notable negative economic impacts on the living conditions of millions of Brazilians, with the potential to hit the poorest especially and lethally, in those days there was news that the United States had blocked a plane that was carrying an important cargo of mechanical ventilators imported from China by the Government of Bahia, whose flight made a technical stopover in Miami. Denied the fact by the US Embassy in Brazil, President Bolsonaro immediately adhered to the version of the empire in disfavor of the clearest interests of the people of Bahia.


BRZEZINSKI, Zbigniew. The US Dilemma Global domination or global leadership? Barcelona: Paidós, 2005. 263 p.

HIRATUKA, Célio; SARTI, Fernando. Economic relations between Brazil and China: analysis of trade flows and foreign direct investment. Time of the World Magazine (RTM). v. 2, no. 1, p. 83-98, Jan., 2016.

MONIZ BANDEIRA, Luiz Alberto. world disorder. The specter of total domination. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2018. 643 p.

SANTOS, Boaventura de Sousa Santos. Interview: Boaventura Santos warns of the imminent US invasion of Venezuela. 05/04/2020. Viomundo. Available in: . Accessed on: April 5, 2020.

STEPHEN, Gandel. China's President Xi Jinping Warns Donald Trump Against Protectionism. fortune finance. January 17, 2017. Available at:>. Accessed on: April 5, 2020.

YANG, Li. Letter from the Consul of China in Rio de Janeiro. Newspapers in Brazil. March 22, 2020. Available at: . Accessed on: March 2020, 03.

[1] Important analysis and detailed information on the trade flow between Brazil and China can be found in HIRATUKA, SARTI, (2016).

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