Brief reflection for Christians or not



Assumption of Mary. And of Margarida, and of Marielle, and of Mother Bernadette...

This Sunday, in the Catholic liturgy, the Assumption of Our Lady is celebrated: her elevation, her glorification, her eternalization, overcoming the bonds of time, overcoming all weaknesses. Who doesn't have that aspiration?

The Gospel of Luke (1, 39-56) is breathtaking! Young Mary walks six days, from the plain of Galilee to the mountains of Judea, in a hurry to see her cousin Elizabeth, aged and… pregnant!

At the meeting of the two, Elizabeth's beautiful greeting: "Hail, Mary, you are blessed among women, and the fruit of your womb is blessed!".

And Maria then sings the revolutionary song. She praises a God who works wonders, who “scatters the proud, brings down the mighty from their thrones and raises up the lowly, satisfies the hungry with good things and sends the stuffed away empty”.

A beautiful encounter between Mary and Isabel, giving birth to Jesus and John. Mothers who lived through the extreme pain of losing their children, tortured and killed by the political and religious power of the Empire.

Isabel and Maria, blessed, precursors, in the patriarchal society, of the affirmation of women in their dignity. Walkers in pain and love. Ascending from the most painful suffering to full liberation.

Maria who is Margarida Alves, Maria too, peasant leader murdered 40 years ago, who reappears in thousands of daisies, coloring the dryness of the Central Plateau of Brazil.

Maria who is Marielle, cowardly executed 5 years ago, with Anderson. Political homicide with still unknown masterminds. Destroyed young bodies that became the seed of struggle and emancipation, against unspeakable brutality.

Maria das Dores who is Mother Bernadette Pacific, quilombola, ialorixá, fierce fighter and for peace, killed with 12 shots in the face 3 days ago, in her own home, alongside her three grandchildren!

Heinous crime that cannot go unpunished, like the one that led to his son Binho, also a quilombola, murdered 6 years ago.

Let us celebrate, in Maria, the saga of so many Marias who, over the centuries, between tears and joy, resist sexist barbarism, racist oppression, sexist domination.

They proclaim the greatness of life, from generation to generation! The God of Love, and all the orixás, and all the generous energies will protect them – and their descendants of courage, forever!

* Chico Alencar is a history teacher, writer and federal deputy for Psol-RJ.

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