Coverage of the 100 days of the Lula government
By MANCHETOMETER: Evaluation of the first hundred days of the Lula government
By MANCHETOMETER: Evaluation of the first hundred days of the Lula government
PODCAST: André Singer and Armando Boito talk about the relationship between Bolsonarism and fascism, with the mediation of Paula Marcelino.
PODCAST: Bruno Hendler and Elias Jabbour comment on the book “Contemporary China”, mediated by Ricardo Musse. Edited by Daniel Pavan. Listen in the player below or head over to Spotfy.
PODCAST: Eugênio Bucci and Fernando Haddad comment on the recently released book, mediated by Ricardo Musse Listen in the player below or go to Spotfy
By MANCHETÔMETRO: The change in command of Petrobras and the creation of the terms Bolsopetismo and Dilmonarismo
PODCAST: Luis Felipe Miguel, Leonardo Avritzer and Valério Arcary analyze the 2020 Second Round from the perspective of the left. With the mediation of Ricardo Kobayaski.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Manchetometer researchers Eduardo Barbabela, Lidiane Vieira, Luiza Medeiros, Clara Câmara and Mariane Matos analyze the July editorials of the main Brazilian newspapers. Presentation and editing: André Madruga.
PODCAST: Intervention by Florestan Fernandes in the Act in Defense of Marxism in 1991, against the background of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the strong growth of the PT.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Political scientist João Feres Jr. interviews journalist Marina Pita, from Intervozes and the Rights on the Internet Collective, about the Fake News bill currently being processed in the Chamber of Deputies. Editing: André Madruga.
PODCAST: Fábio Kerche and Marjorie Marona talk about the clash between the PGR and Lava Jato prosecutors, in a production by the Institute of Democracy and Democratization of Communication.
PODCAST: Alexandre Freitas Barbosa, Camila Moreno and Lincoln Secco talk about confinement in public life in the popular countryside. With the mediation of Ricardo Musse
By MANCHETÔMETRO Researchers Keila Rosa, Bruna Medina and Eduardo Barbabela talk about M Facebook reports that point out the engagement champions on the social network in June 2020. Presentation: André Madruga. To listen click on the player below
PODCAST: professors Jorge Luiz Souto Maior, from the Faculty of Law at USP, and Ricardo Antunes, from Sociology at Unicamp, discuss work in times of a pandemic.
PODCAST: Tarso Genro, Raul Jungmann and Nelson Jobim discuss Armed Forces, National Defense, Sovereignty and Democracy. “There is no room or thought for political intervention by the military in civil and democratic power”, assures former Minister Nélson Jobim.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: debate on the theme Press and Democracy: Folha de S. Paulo and the 'soft dictatorship'. João Feres Jr and Clara Câmara, from Manchetômetro, discuss with André Bonsanto, PhD in Communication from UFF. Presented by André Madruga.
PODCAST: Priscila Vilella and Marjorie Marona examine international cooperation between the FBI and Lava Jato, in a production by the Institute for Democracy and Democratization of Communication.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Eduardo Barbabela, Lidiane Vieira, Luiza Medeiros, Clara Câmara and Mariane Matos analyze the major media's June editorials.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: In this episode, Manchetômetro coordinator, João Feres Jr, debates with researchers, Mariane Matos and Eduardo Barbabela, about Fake News, media regulation and freedom of expression. Presentation: André Madruga. To listen click on the player below or
Podcast: professors Vladimir Safatle, from USP philosophy, and Luis Felipe Miguel, from political sciences at UNB, discuss the country's political situation
By MANCHETÔMETRO Researchers Natasha Bachini and Eduardo Barbabela analyze recent reports from the M Facebook project, in which the Manchetômetro team monitors the political debate promoted by Brazilian pages on the network. Presentation: André Madruga. Listen by clicking on the player
By MANCHETOMETER: Evaluation of the first hundred days of the Lula government
PODCAST: André Singer and Armando Boito talk about the relationship between Bolsonarism and fascism, with the mediation of Paula Marcelino.
PODCAST: Bruno Hendler and Elias Jabbour comment on the book “Contemporary China”, mediated by Ricardo Musse. Edited by Daniel Pavan. Listen in the player below or head over to Spotfy.
PODCAST: Eugênio Bucci and Fernando Haddad comment on the recently released book, mediated by Ricardo Musse Listen in the player below or go to Spotfy
By MANCHETÔMETRO: The change in command of Petrobras and the creation of the terms Bolsopetismo and Dilmonarismo
PODCAST: Luis Felipe Miguel, Leonardo Avritzer and Valério Arcary analyze the 2020 Second Round from the perspective of the left. With the mediation of Ricardo Kobayaski.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Manchetometer researchers Eduardo Barbabela, Lidiane Vieira, Luiza Medeiros, Clara Câmara and Mariane Matos analyze the July editorials of the main Brazilian newspapers. Presentation and editing: André Madruga.
PODCAST: Intervention by Florestan Fernandes in the Act in Defense of Marxism in 1991, against the background of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the strong growth of the PT.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Political scientist João Feres Jr. interviews journalist Marina Pita, from Intervozes and the Rights on the Internet Collective, about the Fake News bill currently being processed in the Chamber of Deputies. Editing: André Madruga.
PODCAST: Fábio Kerche and Marjorie Marona talk about the clash between the PGR and Lava Jato prosecutors, in a production by the Institute of Democracy and Democratization of Communication.
PODCAST: Alexandre Freitas Barbosa, Camila Moreno and Lincoln Secco talk about confinement in public life in the popular countryside. With the mediation of Ricardo Musse
By MANCHETÔMETRO Researchers Keila Rosa, Bruna Medina and Eduardo Barbabela talk about M Facebook reports that point out the engagement champions on the social network in June 2020. Presentation: André Madruga. To listen click on the player below
PODCAST: professors Jorge Luiz Souto Maior, from the Faculty of Law at USP, and Ricardo Antunes, from Sociology at Unicamp, discuss work in times of a pandemic.
PODCAST: Tarso Genro, Raul Jungmann and Nelson Jobim discuss Armed Forces, National Defense, Sovereignty and Democracy. “There is no room or thought for political intervention by the military in civil and democratic power”, assures former Minister Nélson Jobim.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: debate on the theme Press and Democracy: Folha de S. Paulo and the 'soft dictatorship'. João Feres Jr and Clara Câmara, from Manchetômetro, discuss with André Bonsanto, PhD in Communication from UFF. Presented by André Madruga.
PODCAST: Priscila Vilella and Marjorie Marona examine international cooperation between the FBI and Lava Jato, in a production by the Institute for Democracy and Democratization of Communication.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: Eduardo Barbabela, Lidiane Vieira, Luiza Medeiros, Clara Câmara and Mariane Matos analyze the major media's June editorials.
By MANCHETÔMETRO: In this episode, Manchetômetro coordinator, João Feres Jr, debates with researchers, Mariane Matos and Eduardo Barbabela, about Fake News, media regulation and freedom of expression. Presentation: André Madruga. To listen click on the player below or
Podcast: professors Vladimir Safatle, from USP philosophy, and Luis Felipe Miguel, from political sciences at UNB, discuss the country's political situation
By MANCHETÔMETRO Researchers Natasha Bachini and Eduardo Barbabela analyze recent reports from the M Facebook project, in which the Manchetômetro team monitors the political debate promoted by Brazilian pages on the network. Presentation: André Madruga. Listen by clicking on the player