Reinforced concrete
By LINCOLN SECCO: Considerations on Anselm Jappe's book
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: A look at the most memorable celebrations of January 25th
By JOÃO DOS REIS SILVA JUNIOR: The human being reveals himself to be objectified and prone to destroying what was achieved by the human being, to perpetuate the destruction
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: And all this time people were asking themselves: “What about the Marseillaise? What about the Marseillaise?” As expected, it was enthusiastically played and sung in the outer atrium of the church, closing the festivities.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Neo-urbanism tramples on master plans. He who can, commands; he who compromises or becomes corrupt, obeys
By LUIZ RECAMAN: Article posted in tribute to the recently deceased architect and USP professor
By LUIZ RENATO MARTINS: The treatment of the issue of space, in the visual scope of modern Brazilian culture, brings together the works of Tarsila do Amaral, Lúcio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer and Roberto Burle Marx
By JORGE BARCELLOS: The flood as a museum theme reminds governments that they are responsible for the policy of protecting cities, whatever their ideology
By GREINER COSTA & LUÍS FERNANDO VITAGLIANO: Rankings produce information that official national statistical institutions do not and should not do: prioritize development and quality of life in cities
By ALFREDO ATTIÉ: A theory for justice mixed with citizenship: citizen justice and fair citizenship
By LUIZ MARQUES: In important municipalities, the 2024 elections will function as a kind of plebiscite on the neoliberal city model
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The suffering of populations, mostly urban, affected by a disaster like the one in Rio Grande do Sul calls for action and also for reflection
By IGOR FELIPPE SANTOS: Tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul: it is necessary to identify the causes and those responsible
By ANA MARIA DE NIEMEYER: Memory is denied to the people on the street who live and circulate in an environment steeped in the historical past, as the urgency lies, above all, in trying to survive day to day
By LUIZ MARQUES: Urban space, a permanent stage of dispute between the interests of real estate capital, is transformed into a mere commodity, without commitments to citizenship values
By FLÁVIO R. KOTHE & JÚLIO CÉSAR BRAZIL: For a century the Brazilian population has been suffering from PSYOPS, brainwashing by the media according to the interests of the American government
By DANIEL COSTA: Thinking about the future of big cities should be an effort involving the most varied sectors of civil society
By RODRIGO DE FARIA: The Brasilia Pilot Plan has a singularity that is still surprising today
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: A look at the most memorable celebrations of January 25th
By JOÃO DOS REIS SILVA JUNIOR: The human being reveals himself to be objectified and prone to destroying what was achieved by the human being, to perpetuate the destruction
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: And all this time people were asking themselves: “What about the Marseillaise? What about the Marseillaise?” As expected, it was enthusiastically played and sung in the outer atrium of the church, closing the festivities.
By LUIZ MARQUES: Neo-urbanism tramples on master plans. He who can, commands; he who compromises or becomes corrupt, obeys
By LUIZ RECAMAN: Article posted in tribute to the recently deceased architect and USP professor
By LUIZ RENATO MARTINS: The treatment of the issue of space, in the visual scope of modern Brazilian culture, brings together the works of Tarsila do Amaral, Lúcio Costa, Oscar Niemeyer and Roberto Burle Marx
By JORGE BARCELLOS: The flood as a museum theme reminds governments that they are responsible for the policy of protecting cities, whatever their ideology
By GREINER COSTA & LUÍS FERNANDO VITAGLIANO: Rankings produce information that official national statistical institutions do not and should not do: prioritize development and quality of life in cities
By ALFREDO ATTIÉ: A theory for justice mixed with citizenship: citizen justice and fair citizenship
By LUIZ MARQUES: In important municipalities, the 2024 elections will function as a kind of plebiscite on the neoliberal city model
By HENRI ACSELRAD: The suffering of populations, mostly urban, affected by a disaster like the one in Rio Grande do Sul calls for action and also for reflection
By IGOR FELIPPE SANTOS: Tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul: it is necessary to identify the causes and those responsible
By ANA MARIA DE NIEMEYER: Memory is denied to the people on the street who live and circulate in an environment steeped in the historical past, as the urgency lies, above all, in trying to survive day to day
By LUIZ MARQUES: Urban space, a permanent stage of dispute between the interests of real estate capital, is transformed into a mere commodity, without commitments to citizenship values
By FLÁVIO R. KOTHE & JÚLIO CÉSAR BRAZIL: For a century the Brazilian population has been suffering from PSYOPS, brainwashing by the media according to the interests of the American government
By DANIEL COSTA: Thinking about the future of big cities should be an effort involving the most varied sectors of civil society
By RODRIGO DE FARIA: The Brasilia Pilot Plan has a singularity that is still surprising today