The “leave the past behind” crowd
By RENAKE DAVID: The insufficiency of the concept of collective guilt is useful to those who want to forget the past and move forward because they can combat it
By RENAKE DAVID: The insufficiency of the concept of collective guilt is useful to those who want to forget the past and move forward because they can combat it
By PAULO CAPEL NARVAI: Federal Council of Medicine accuses Ligia Bahia, a doctor and professor of social medicine, of doing what the autarchy should do and which, for political-ideological reasons, it does not do, violating its own code of ethics
By CHRISTIAN RIBEIRO: Did you not notice the nationalist tone, with potential xenophobic, that the phrase “Brazil belongs to Brazilians” has?
By MARCIA APARECIDA JACOMINI & ANA PAULA CORTI: The devaluation of historical, geographical, philosophical and sociological knowledge is cementing a public school that is dull, dissatisfied and diminished.
By ROBERSON DE OLIVEIRA: When accusing the Brazilian far right of being Nazi, fascist or neo-Nazi, what appears to be a strong criticism, a denunciation of an enemy of civilization, actually becomes a cloud of smoke.
By MATHEUS COLARES OF BIRTH: The political project of fiscal austerity of the political line that Fernando Haddad occupies within the PT is worrying, even more worrying, however, is that the minister has so much power to implement it
By LUÍS FERNANDO VITAGLIANO: To understand what happened with the crisis surrounding Pix and the explosion of catharsis, it is necessary to remove fake news from the account
By SANDRA BITENCOURT: The case of the video, of the young and perverse extremist, has given rise to theories that it may be the result of some kind of test or manipulation of the platform
By BENITO EDUARDO MAESO: In the name of profit, the bizarrely distorted flag of the concept of freedom of expression is raised
By WAGNER MICAH DAMASCEN: The spectacle of servility towards the Lula government left an avenue open for Bolsonarism to criticize the government's measure and present itself to the petite bourgeoisie and informal workers as their representatives.
By IVANA BENTES: The humanism of I'm Still Here is a relief, but how can we restore a frayed social fabric when extremists have taken up residence in the dining room and in the normative family itself?
By LUIZ MARQUES: Hallucinations today serve the interests of the extreme right, which always maintains an active distrust of cognitive rationality and the institutions of the Republic.
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: In retrospect it can be seen that there was not just one coup being planned. There were at least three.
By TARCÍSIO PERES: The panorama offered by many podcasts today is far from encouraging self-reflection; they are programs that create domes in which empty speech finds echo and applause.
By JOÃO DOS REIS SILVA JUNIOR: The PT needs to quickly find a way to articulate its different schools of thought to face the attacks from the rentier sector and the global threat from the extreme right
By MARCIO DOS SANTOS: Through EFAPE, a teacher training school, well-intentioned but unprepared trainers offer advanced training courses to even more unprepared teachers
By TARSUS GENUS: Fernando Haddad stopped the coup anomie and put politics in its rightful place
By LEDA PAULANI: Campos Neto fulfilled with cowardly bravery his pusillanimous mission of initiating the movement to reverse the positive expectations that were emerging for the economic scenario under the Lula government
By RENATO NUCCI JR. & LEONARDO SACRAMENTO: The term poor on the right is a way for segments of the left to free themselves from the responsibility they have for the political and social situation we find ourselves in.
By LUIZ ROBERTO ALVES: Destruction builds specificities that maintain hatred and dispenses with the rationality of arguments
By RENAKE DAVID: The insufficiency of the concept of collective guilt is useful to those who want to forget the past and move forward because they can combat it
By PAULO CAPEL NARVAI: Federal Council of Medicine accuses Ligia Bahia, a doctor and professor of social medicine, of doing what the autarchy should do and which, for political-ideological reasons, it does not do, violating its own code of ethics
By CHRISTIAN RIBEIRO: Did you not notice the nationalist tone, with potential xenophobic, that the phrase “Brazil belongs to Brazilians” has?
By MARCIA APARECIDA JACOMINI & ANA PAULA CORTI: The devaluation of historical, geographical, philosophical and sociological knowledge is cementing a public school that is dull, dissatisfied and diminished.
By ROBERSON DE OLIVEIRA: When accusing the Brazilian far right of being Nazi, fascist or neo-Nazi, what appears to be a strong criticism, a denunciation of an enemy of civilization, actually becomes a cloud of smoke.
By MATHEUS COLARES OF BIRTH: The political project of fiscal austerity of the political line that Fernando Haddad occupies within the PT is worrying, even more worrying, however, is that the minister has so much power to implement it
By LUÍS FERNANDO VITAGLIANO: To understand what happened with the crisis surrounding Pix and the explosion of catharsis, it is necessary to remove fake news from the account
By SANDRA BITENCOURT: The case of the video, of the young and perverse extremist, has given rise to theories that it may be the result of some kind of test or manipulation of the platform
By BENITO EDUARDO MAESO: In the name of profit, the bizarrely distorted flag of the concept of freedom of expression is raised
By WAGNER MICAH DAMASCEN: The spectacle of servility towards the Lula government left an avenue open for Bolsonarism to criticize the government's measure and present itself to the petite bourgeoisie and informal workers as their representatives.
By IVANA BENTES: The humanism of I'm Still Here is a relief, but how can we restore a frayed social fabric when extremists have taken up residence in the dining room and in the normative family itself?
By LUIZ MARQUES: Hallucinations today serve the interests of the extreme right, which always maintains an active distrust of cognitive rationality and the institutions of the Republic.
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: In retrospect it can be seen that there was not just one coup being planned. There were at least three.
By TARCÍSIO PERES: The panorama offered by many podcasts today is far from encouraging self-reflection; they are programs that create domes in which empty speech finds echo and applause.
By JOÃO DOS REIS SILVA JUNIOR: The PT needs to quickly find a way to articulate its different schools of thought to face the attacks from the rentier sector and the global threat from the extreme right
By MARCIO DOS SANTOS: Through EFAPE, a teacher training school, well-intentioned but unprepared trainers offer advanced training courses to even more unprepared teachers
By TARSUS GENUS: Fernando Haddad stopped the coup anomie and put politics in its rightful place
By LEDA PAULANI: Campos Neto fulfilled with cowardly bravery his pusillanimous mission of initiating the movement to reverse the positive expectations that were emerging for the economic scenario under the Lula government
By RENATO NUCCI JR. & LEONARDO SACRAMENTO: The term poor on the right is a way for segments of the left to free themselves from the responsibility they have for the political and social situation we find ourselves in.
By LUIZ ROBERTO ALVES: Destruction builds specificities that maintain hatred and dispenses with the rationality of arguments