Technological choices
By RAFAEL CARDOSO SAMPAIO: Companies that control data and AI infrastructure profit from mass surveillance and predatory automation, while workers lose autonomy and income
By RAFAEL CARDOSO SAMPAIO: Companies that control data and AI infrastructure profit from mass surveillance and predatory automation, while workers lose autonomy and income
By ELEONORA ALBANO: The indiscriminate popularization of chatbots could undermine educational traditions that depend on critical thinking
By MARCO SCHNEIDER, WILLIAM FRANCE & LUIZ CLAUDIO LATGÉ: The history, development and implications of artificial intelligence, both in technical and social and economic terms
By JONATHAN OF FRANCE PEREIRA: The advance of neoliberalism has subjected education to market logic. Education has become a threat and contempt for knowledge and persecution of those who teach have gone hand in hand.
By HUGO DIONÍSIO: Deepseek has announced, with a bang, the human unsustainability and historical obsolescence of the neoliberalism that characterizes the Western economic model
By GIOVANNI MESQUITA: Chinese AI shows that even in the field of capitalism, the Yankees can no longer be superior
By BRUNO MACHADO: Any macroeconomic arrangement that deviates from neoliberalism generates a strong reaction from the financial market, which withdraws investments from Brazil, causing a devaluation of the real in dollars
By TIMOTHY ERIK STRÖM: The exponential expansion of cybernetic technologies and the alienating abstractions they have caused are a catastrophe
By LUÍS FERNANDO VITAGLIANO: Big tech wants us to believe that they are fundamentally ideologically motivated, because then we remain ignorant of the technical issues that underpin digital capital.
By LUIZ MENNA-BARRETO: School timetable policy ignores students in their temporalities
By HENRIQUE BERLIN: Is it possible to create a history of science in Brazil that includes a multiplicity of times, spaces, subjects and experiences?
By RICARDO ANTUNES: In these times of digital work, algorithms, artificial intelligence and the like, a new specter is emerging that haunts the world of work. It is the specter of uberization.
By EDILSON CREAM: A retrospective on the occasion of the centenary of the First Manifesto of Surrealism
By LUIZ MENNA-BARRETO: Power games in the family, at school, at work and on the streets, in the construction of temporal niches
By ELEONORA ALBANO: Warrior robots and conversational robots – an explosive connection
By RENATO DAGNINO: What would be the importance of military personnel willing to engage in R&D projects within the corporation?
By BRUNO MACHADO: Any government in Brazil is in a situation of lack of monetary sovereignty and cannot seek the development of its productive forces, since it does not even have control over its own public budget.
By NILDO VIANA: Excerpts, selected by the author, from the first chapter of the recently released book
By RENILDO SOUZA: In the competition between capitals and in the dispute between the United States and China, technology is compulsory, even at the expense of the living conditions of the working class
By OLGARIA MATOS: Lecture at the seminar in honor of the centenary of the geoscientist
By RAFAEL CARDOSO SAMPAIO: Companies that control data and AI infrastructure profit from mass surveillance and predatory automation, while workers lose autonomy and income
By ELEONORA ALBANO: The indiscriminate popularization of chatbots could undermine educational traditions that depend on critical thinking
By MARCO SCHNEIDER, WILLIAM FRANCE & LUIZ CLAUDIO LATGÉ: The history, development and implications of artificial intelligence, both in technical and social and economic terms
By JONATHAN OF FRANCE PEREIRA: The advance of neoliberalism has subjected education to market logic. Education has become a threat and contempt for knowledge and persecution of those who teach have gone hand in hand.
By HUGO DIONÍSIO: Deepseek has announced, with a bang, the human unsustainability and historical obsolescence of the neoliberalism that characterizes the Western economic model
By GIOVANNI MESQUITA: Chinese AI shows that even in the field of capitalism, the Yankees can no longer be superior
By BRUNO MACHADO: Any macroeconomic arrangement that deviates from neoliberalism generates a strong reaction from the financial market, which withdraws investments from Brazil, causing a devaluation of the real in dollars
By TIMOTHY ERIK STRÖM: The exponential expansion of cybernetic technologies and the alienating abstractions they have caused are a catastrophe
By LUÍS FERNANDO VITAGLIANO: Big tech wants us to believe that they are fundamentally ideologically motivated, because then we remain ignorant of the technical issues that underpin digital capital.
By LUIZ MENNA-BARRETO: School timetable policy ignores students in their temporalities
By HENRIQUE BERLIN: Is it possible to create a history of science in Brazil that includes a multiplicity of times, spaces, subjects and experiences?
By RICARDO ANTUNES: In these times of digital work, algorithms, artificial intelligence and the like, a new specter is emerging that haunts the world of work. It is the specter of uberization.
By EDILSON CREAM: A retrospective on the occasion of the centenary of the First Manifesto of Surrealism
By LUIZ MENNA-BARRETO: Power games in the family, at school, at work and on the streets, in the construction of temporal niches
By ELEONORA ALBANO: Warrior robots and conversational robots – an explosive connection
By RENATO DAGNINO: What would be the importance of military personnel willing to engage in R&D projects within the corporation?
By BRUNO MACHADO: Any government in Brazil is in a situation of lack of monetary sovereignty and cannot seek the development of its productive forces, since it does not even have control over its own public budget.
By NILDO VIANA: Excerpts, selected by the author, from the first chapter of the recently released book
By RENILDO SOUZA: In the competition between capitals and in the dispute between the United States and China, technology is compulsory, even at the expense of the living conditions of the working class
By OLGARIA MATOS: Lecture at the seminar in honor of the centenary of the geoscientist