Why did Donald Trump win?
By ELEUTÉRIO FS PRADO: To spread its brutal destructiveness, capitalism needs a figure like Trump
By ELEUTÉRIO FS PRADO: To spread its brutal destructiveness, capitalism needs a figure like Trump
By LUCIO FLAVIO DE ALMEIDA: A collective assessment of what can be expected from electoral campaigns in the current Brazilian political context, international determinations included
By BRANKO MILANOVIĆ: The attitude of Western elites in Donald Trump's first term (and this will probably be the case in his second) is to treat it as some kind of natural disaster and hope it will end quickly.
By EMILIO CAFASSI: We celebrate the farewell of a government eaten away by corruption, manager of a crisis that pushed thousands into despair, while a handful of friends went to their exclusive paradise of assault
By TARSUS GENUS: The announcement by the future American president that he will impose a 100% tax on imports of products from BRICS countries is not simply a bluff
By FLAVIO MAGALLAES PIOTTO SANTOS: What the Workers' Party has sought throughout this time was to show itself as a competent manager of the Brazilian capitalist economic system
By JOHN KENNEDY FERREIRA: Lula's project is exhausted, the room for maneuver to irrigate the poor sectors with compensatory incomes and not affect the income of the rich has reached its limit
By JOÃO DOS REIS SILVA JUNIOR: Brazil has a modernized but not republicanized State, creating difficulties in governing with the legislature and cutting spending on the military and large fortunes.
By TARSUS GENUS: Let's hope that the three progressive governments of the "south of the southern cone", Chile's Gabriel Boric, Uruguay's Yamandú Orsi and Brazil's Lula, put aside their secondary differences and forge an innovative relationship
By TODD MCGOWAN: Both Donald Trump and Kane built financial empires in the media industry and from there sought political office while conducting themselves with grandiloquence and arrogance.
By CARLOS AGUEDO PAIVA & ALLAN LEMOS ROCHA: Part of the left has a partial and insufficient understanding of the indicator that represents the “unemployment rate” and how it impacts the elections
By RUI ALEX ABREU: Trump is riding on our inability to compete with social majorities that do not see themselves in the system, which in these last elections are two thirds of the population: one third who voted for Trump and one third who abstained.
By EMILIO CAFASSI: The efforts of the Broad Front in the fight for every vote must also be an act of resistance and the recovery of a memory that recovers the emancipatory handwriting in the torn notebook of history.
By JOSÉ LUÍS FIORI: If there is a peace agreement in Ukraine, it will most likely be the starting point for a new arms race within Europe itself and between the US and Russia.
By SLAVEJ ŽIŽEK: Trump's election should teach the left to clearly distinguish itself from the “progressive” liberal center and its woke corporatism
By MAURO BOSS: And the first step for the left to rebuild trust is to stop the lying magical thinking, to end the self-deception
By RENATO JANINE RIBEIRO: Reality demands that we understand from now on that the left, especially the PT, has no alternative other than the name of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for 2026
By RONALD VIZZONI GARCIA: Analysts and commentators have produced numerous and contradictory predictions about the future government of Donald Trump
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: We need to recover the rebelliousness of the left. If someone arrived from Mars and were to watch a TV debate, it would be difficult to say who would be the left-wing or opposition candidate.
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: Anyone who believed in a left-wing victory in the 2024 elections was living in a world of fairies and elves
By ELEUTÉRIO FS PRADO: To spread its brutal destructiveness, capitalism needs a figure like Trump
By LUCIO FLAVIO DE ALMEIDA: A collective assessment of what can be expected from electoral campaigns in the current Brazilian political context, international determinations included
By BRANKO MILANOVIĆ: The attitude of Western elites in Donald Trump's first term (and this will probably be the case in his second) is to treat it as some kind of natural disaster and hope it will end quickly.
By EMILIO CAFASSI: We celebrate the farewell of a government eaten away by corruption, manager of a crisis that pushed thousands into despair, while a handful of friends went to their exclusive paradise of assault
By TARSUS GENUS: The announcement by the future American president that he will impose a 100% tax on imports of products from BRICS countries is not simply a bluff
By FLAVIO MAGALLAES PIOTTO SANTOS: What the Workers' Party has sought throughout this time was to show itself as a competent manager of the Brazilian capitalist economic system
By JOHN KENNEDY FERREIRA: Lula's project is exhausted, the room for maneuver to irrigate the poor sectors with compensatory incomes and not affect the income of the rich has reached its limit
By JOÃO DOS REIS SILVA JUNIOR: Brazil has a modernized but not republicanized State, creating difficulties in governing with the legislature and cutting spending on the military and large fortunes.
By TARSUS GENUS: Let's hope that the three progressive governments of the "south of the southern cone", Chile's Gabriel Boric, Uruguay's Yamandú Orsi and Brazil's Lula, put aside their secondary differences and forge an innovative relationship
By TODD MCGOWAN: Both Donald Trump and Kane built financial empires in the media industry and from there sought political office while conducting themselves with grandiloquence and arrogance.
By CARLOS AGUEDO PAIVA & ALLAN LEMOS ROCHA: Part of the left has a partial and insufficient understanding of the indicator that represents the “unemployment rate” and how it impacts the elections
By RUI ALEX ABREU: Trump is riding on our inability to compete with social majorities that do not see themselves in the system, which in these last elections are two thirds of the population: one third who voted for Trump and one third who abstained.
By EMILIO CAFASSI: The efforts of the Broad Front in the fight for every vote must also be an act of resistance and the recovery of a memory that recovers the emancipatory handwriting in the torn notebook of history.
By JOSÉ LUÍS FIORI: If there is a peace agreement in Ukraine, it will most likely be the starting point for a new arms race within Europe itself and between the US and Russia.
By SLAVEJ ŽIŽEK: Trump's election should teach the left to clearly distinguish itself from the “progressive” liberal center and its woke corporatism
By MAURO BOSS: And the first step for the left to rebuild trust is to stop the lying magical thinking, to end the self-deception
By RENATO JANINE RIBEIRO: Reality demands that we understand from now on that the left, especially the PT, has no alternative other than the name of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for 2026
By RONALD VIZZONI GARCIA: Analysts and commentators have produced numerous and contradictory predictions about the future government of Donald Trump
By GILBERTO MARINGONI: We need to recover the rebelliousness of the left. If someone arrived from Mars and were to watch a TV debate, it would be difficult to say who would be the left-wing or opposition candidate.
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: Anyone who believed in a left-wing victory in the 2024 elections was living in a world of fairies and elves