Elon Musk and the defense of Brazil
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: The break with Elon Musk could satisfy our self-esteem, but it would not undo Brazil's inability to show basic authority on the international scene
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: The break with Elon Musk could satisfy our self-esteem, but it would not undo Brazil's inability to show basic authority on the international scene
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: How should a proclaimed secular State deal with religious activism in its interior?
By PETRÔNIO DOMINGUES: In the current context, in which there is so much discussion about State reparations for the black population, the name of João Cândido cannot be forgotten
By OTAVIANO HELENE: Whichever side is examined on the project — now a law — in São Paulo on civic-military schools is bad
By RUBENS PINTO LYRA: Excerpt, selected by the author, from the recently published book
By ERIK CHICONELLI GOMES: The implementation of civic-military schools is inserted in a specific political context, marked by a conservative agenda that seeks to reinforce traditional and hierarchical values
By EMILIO CAFASSI: History has once again ratified the pendulum relationship between the partial and transitory hegemonies of both countries and their mutual influences
By PAULO FERNANDES SILVEIRA: The massacres that occurred in the Armada and La Chibata revolts took the lives of poor people. All those who fight against this state of things are heroines and heroes.
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: Universal history reveals that great socioeconomic tragedies sharpen the scent of birds of prey
By CHICO ALENCAR: Open letter to the Navy commander about the Revolt of the Whip
By PAULO FERNANDES SILVEIRA : The federal intervention in Rio de Janeiro was not just aimed at the issue of public security in the state. It was a fundamental part of a political project
By MARCELO RIDENTI: Considerations on two books: “On a tightrope”, by Daniel Aarão Reis and “About what we don’t talk”, by Ana Cristina Braga
By URARIAN MOTA: Teaching a false history, memories of state terrorism are hidden to this day in the teaching of military schools
By RENAN QUINALHA: Police raids generally took place at night and early in the morning, focusing on LGBTQIA+ ghettos that were formed in large cities, generally in central areas considered “degraded” and abandoned by public authorities
By MAURICIO VÁZQUEZ CORREA & ANDRÉS DEL RÍO: South American countries, under right-wing and far-right governments, are reconfiguring narratives about the last dictatorships and the role of the military in democracy
By JOSÉ DIRCEU: Speech at the public event Dictatorships Never Again
By EDSON TELES: Reflecting on simplifying narratives about the 1964 coup and the dictatorship and going beyond the superficialities helps to understand the four years of an authoritarian government
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: We did not change course with the military coup of 1964, but the intensification of the worst characteristics of our nationality represented a turning point
By LEONARDO SACRAMENTO: Today's white identitarians, both on the right and on the left, do nothing more than repeat the white supremacist identity theory of the civil-military dictatorship
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: The break with Elon Musk could satisfy our self-esteem, but it would not undo Brazil's inability to show basic authority on the international scene
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: How should a proclaimed secular State deal with religious activism in its interior?
By PETRÔNIO DOMINGUES: In the current context, in which there is so much discussion about State reparations for the black population, the name of João Cândido cannot be forgotten
By OTAVIANO HELENE: Whichever side is examined on the project — now a law — in São Paulo on civic-military schools is bad
By RUBENS PINTO LYRA: Excerpt, selected by the author, from the recently published book
By ERIK CHICONELLI GOMES: The implementation of civic-military schools is inserted in a specific political context, marked by a conservative agenda that seeks to reinforce traditional and hierarchical values
By EMILIO CAFASSI: History has once again ratified the pendulum relationship between the partial and transitory hegemonies of both countries and their mutual influences
By PAULO FERNANDES SILVEIRA: The massacres that occurred in the Armada and La Chibata revolts took the lives of poor people. All those who fight against this state of things are heroines and heroes.
By MANUEL DOMINGOS NETO: Universal history reveals that great socioeconomic tragedies sharpen the scent of birds of prey
By CHICO ALENCAR: Open letter to the Navy commander about the Revolt of the Whip
By PAULO FERNANDES SILVEIRA : The federal intervention in Rio de Janeiro was not just aimed at the issue of public security in the state. It was a fundamental part of a political project
By MARCELO RIDENTI: Considerations on two books: “On a tightrope”, by Daniel Aarão Reis and “About what we don’t talk”, by Ana Cristina Braga
By URARIAN MOTA: Teaching a false history, memories of state terrorism are hidden to this day in the teaching of military schools
By RENAN QUINALHA: Police raids generally took place at night and early in the morning, focusing on LGBTQIA+ ghettos that were formed in large cities, generally in central areas considered “degraded” and abandoned by public authorities
By MAURICIO VÁZQUEZ CORREA & ANDRÉS DEL RÍO: South American countries, under right-wing and far-right governments, are reconfiguring narratives about the last dictatorships and the role of the military in democracy
By JOSÉ DIRCEU: Speech at the public event Dictatorships Never Again
By EDSON TELES: Reflecting on simplifying narratives about the 1964 coup and the dictatorship and going beyond the superficialities helps to understand the four years of an authoritarian government
By JEAN MARC VON DER WEID: We did not change course with the military coup of 1964, but the intensification of the worst characteristics of our nationality represented a turning point
By LEONARDO SACRAMENTO: Today's white identitarians, both on the right and on the left, do nothing more than repeat the white supremacist identity theory of the civil-military dictatorship