The second African independence
By ELIAS JABBOUR: Reflections on the Chinese path through Africa
By ELIAS JABBOUR: Reflections on the Chinese path through Africa
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: The regime of racial discrimination instituted from 1948 and known as Apartheid reached a scope and cruel refinement rarely seen in human history.
By RICHARD SEYMOUR: The new right is truly captivated and obsessed with hallucinatory scenarios of extreme disaster
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: The current Mozambican crisis has generated daily clashes between pro-government police and military units and opposition protesters
By JOSÉ LUÍS FIORI: Everything indicates that India is willing to resolve its regional issues in order to assume an assertive and global position on the international stage.
By LISY-MARTA HELOÍSA LEUBA SALUM & RENATO ARAÚJO DA SILVA: Introduction by the authors to the recently published book
By CARLOS HORTMANN: As long as there is a human being willing to fight for another society, Amílcar Cabral will live. Amílcar Cabral, present!
By HUGO DIONÍSIO: It is Russia that is now in a position to reap the results of an investment that the imperialist blocs did not want, could not, nor were prepared to develop
By MICHAEL ROBERTS: If Narendra Modi wins another five-year term, the “hype” of “success” will be intensified, but so will the reductions in the right to dissent and opposition to the nationalist government
By EUGENIO BUCCI: If the decision-making processes of democratic societies are abducted by ignorance manufactured by Artificial Intelligence, humanity will be seriously threatened
By VINÍCIO CARRILHO MARTINEZ & TAINÁ REIS: Miyamoto Musachi against the “fascist cohorts” in Palestine and Brazil
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: Commentary on the book that identifies the factors that determined different paths for countries that initially had common characteristics
By MOWED VIANNA: Regional wars, localized conflicts, just revolts, unjust repression, all of this together creates a broth of blood and hatred, where what is served are the lives of innocent civilians
By LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL: Dehumanization is fundamental to the Israeli offensive. It serves to ensure that international public opinion is not sensitive to the tragedy of the Palestinian people
By MAX BLUMENTHAL: Before being removed, Ali Bongo, an essential player in the war of destruction in Libya, was courted by Barack Obama and celebrated from Washington to Davos
By BOSNIC DRAGO: Neocolonial plunder has been the main reason behind a series of popular uprisings in the Sahel
By EDUARDO J. VIOR: Acting together, the countries of the “continent of the future” are taking advantage of the global struggle for energy and mineral resources to assert their leadership
By VANDERLEI TENÓRIO: The territorial dispute in the China Sea makes the screening of the film under threat in Vietnam
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: The term Ppalgaengi, literally “little red”, remains an insult to designate any person critical of the socioeconomic order in force in South Korea
By ELIAS JABBOUR: Reflections on the Chinese path through Africa
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: The regime of racial discrimination instituted from 1948 and known as Apartheid reached a scope and cruel refinement rarely seen in human history.
By RICHARD SEYMOUR: The new right is truly captivated and obsessed with hallucinatory scenarios of extreme disaster
By FLAVIO AGUIAR: The current Mozambican crisis has generated daily clashes between pro-government police and military units and opposition protesters
By JOSÉ LUÍS FIORI: Everything indicates that India is willing to resolve its regional issues in order to assume an assertive and global position on the international stage.
By LISY-MARTA HELOÍSA LEUBA SALUM & RENATO ARAÚJO DA SILVA: Introduction by the authors to the recently published book
By CARLOS HORTMANN: As long as there is a human being willing to fight for another society, Amílcar Cabral will live. Amílcar Cabral, present!
By HUGO DIONÍSIO: It is Russia that is now in a position to reap the results of an investment that the imperialist blocs did not want, could not, nor were prepared to develop
By MICHAEL ROBERTS: If Narendra Modi wins another five-year term, the “hype” of “success” will be intensified, but so will the reductions in the right to dissent and opposition to the nationalist government
By EUGENIO BUCCI: If the decision-making processes of democratic societies are abducted by ignorance manufactured by Artificial Intelligence, humanity will be seriously threatened
By VINÍCIO CARRILHO MARTINEZ & TAINÁ REIS: Miyamoto Musachi against the “fascist cohorts” in Palestine and Brazil
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: Commentary on the book that identifies the factors that determined different paths for countries that initially had common characteristics
By MOWED VIANNA: Regional wars, localized conflicts, just revolts, unjust repression, all of this together creates a broth of blood and hatred, where what is served are the lives of innocent civilians
By LUIS FELIPE MIGUEL: Dehumanization is fundamental to the Israeli offensive. It serves to ensure that international public opinion is not sensitive to the tragedy of the Palestinian people
By MAX BLUMENTHAL: Before being removed, Ali Bongo, an essential player in the war of destruction in Libya, was courted by Barack Obama and celebrated from Washington to Davos
By BOSNIC DRAGO: Neocolonial plunder has been the main reason behind a series of popular uprisings in the Sahel
By EDUARDO J. VIOR: Acting together, the countries of the “continent of the future” are taking advantage of the global struggle for energy and mineral resources to assert their leadership
By VANDERLEI TENÓRIO: The territorial dispute in the China Sea makes the screening of the film under threat in Vietnam
By FERNANDO NOGUEIRA DA COSTA: The term Ppalgaengi, literally “little red”, remains an insult to designate any person critical of the socioeconomic order in force in South Korea