Brazilian psychoanalysis
By MARCIO S. SARAIVA: Commentary on the recently released book, organized by Joel Birman and Fernanda Canavêz
By MARCIO S. SARAIVA: Commentary on the recently released book, organized by Joel Birman and Fernanda Canavêz
By ELTON CORBANEZI: Psychic suffering is a global catastrophe, possibly as important as the ecological one, to which, however, attention is focused especially on the individual, disregarding the structural aspect of society.
By IGNACIO ECHEVERRIA: A reflection on the anthropological and cultural roots of hatred
By LEONARDO BOFF: Desire is not just any impulse. It is an inner fire that energizes and mobilizes all psychic life.
By ALEXANDRE KUBRUSLY BORNSTEIN: If it is true that neoliberalism establishes and generates specific forms of suffering, it is equally true that critical thinking can transform them into weapons
By ANSELM JAPPE: The narcissist is much more than a fool smiling at himself in the mirror: he is a central figure of our time.
By TODD MCGOWAN: The enjoyment of emancipation occurs through the confrontation of the limit, which is internal rather than external, through the confrontation of one's own restriction, rather than that imposed as something external.
By MARCOS DE QUEIROZ GRILLO: Considerations on Carlos Estevam's book: Freud, Life and Work
By VINÍCIUS DUTRA: Commentary on two recently translated books by Jacques Lacan: “Early Writings” and “The Logic of the Phantasm. Seminar 14”
By ARI MARCELO SOLON & JOAO MARCELO MOURA SIMÕES: There is no point in saying that a society was heteronormative if the definition of straight, bi or homosexual, as a constituent substrate of the individual, is something recent
By MARIA RITA KEHL: The family was deprivatized from the second half of the 20th century and the central nucleus of the contemporary family was imploded, crossed by intimate contact with adults, adolescents and children coming from other families.
By VLADIMIR SAFATLE: The greater the scope of clinical diagnostic possibilities, the less chance there is of mobilizing psychological suffering as a basis for social revolt.
By ELEUTÉRIO FS PRADO: To spread its brutal destructiveness, capitalism needs a figure like Trump
By ANNE DUFOURMANTELLE: Postponing is our essential neurosis: thinking that real life begins tomorrow and, in the meantime, enduring sadness, avoiding thinking, ignoring the present.
By TODD MCGOWAN: Both Donald Trump and Kane built financial empires in the media industry and from there sought political office while conducting themselves with grandiloquence and arrogance.
By THIAGO BLOSS DE ARAÚJO: Under fascism, it is not a question of “another suicide”, but of a suicided person, or, more precisely, of a suicider
By ALEXANDRE MARUCA: Notes on the rise of the extreme right based on a reading of Anselm Jappe
By ARI MARCELO SOLON & LEONARDO PASSINATO E SILVA: For Kelsen, Platonic political doctrine is based on the philosopher's homosexuality, a circumstance that would explain a totalitarian tendency of Platonic philosophical project
By FLÁVIO R. KOTHE: A great work is built from horizons that are broader than the present domination: it allows the reader to fly over abysses
By MARCIO S. SARAIVA: Commentary on the recently released book, organized by Joel Birman and Fernanda Canavêz
By ELTON CORBANEZI: Psychic suffering is a global catastrophe, possibly as important as the ecological one, to which, however, attention is focused especially on the individual, disregarding the structural aspect of society.
By IGNACIO ECHEVERRIA: A reflection on the anthropological and cultural roots of hatred
By LEONARDO BOFF: Desire is not just any impulse. It is an inner fire that energizes and mobilizes all psychic life.
By ALEXANDRE KUBRUSLY BORNSTEIN: If it is true that neoliberalism establishes and generates specific forms of suffering, it is equally true that critical thinking can transform them into weapons
By ANSELM JAPPE: The narcissist is much more than a fool smiling at himself in the mirror: he is a central figure of our time.
By TODD MCGOWAN: The enjoyment of emancipation occurs through the confrontation of the limit, which is internal rather than external, through the confrontation of one's own restriction, rather than that imposed as something external.
By MARCOS DE QUEIROZ GRILLO: Considerations on Carlos Estevam's book: Freud, Life and Work
By VINÍCIUS DUTRA: Commentary on two recently translated books by Jacques Lacan: “Early Writings” and “The Logic of the Phantasm. Seminar 14”
By ARI MARCELO SOLON & JOAO MARCELO MOURA SIMÕES: There is no point in saying that a society was heteronormative if the definition of straight, bi or homosexual, as a constituent substrate of the individual, is something recent
By MARIA RITA KEHL: The family was deprivatized from the second half of the 20th century and the central nucleus of the contemporary family was imploded, crossed by intimate contact with adults, adolescents and children coming from other families.
By VLADIMIR SAFATLE: The greater the scope of clinical diagnostic possibilities, the less chance there is of mobilizing psychological suffering as a basis for social revolt.
By ELEUTÉRIO FS PRADO: To spread its brutal destructiveness, capitalism needs a figure like Trump
By ANNE DUFOURMANTELLE: Postponing is our essential neurosis: thinking that real life begins tomorrow and, in the meantime, enduring sadness, avoiding thinking, ignoring the present.
By TODD MCGOWAN: Both Donald Trump and Kane built financial empires in the media industry and from there sought political office while conducting themselves with grandiloquence and arrogance.
By THIAGO BLOSS DE ARAÚJO: Under fascism, it is not a question of “another suicide”, but of a suicided person, or, more precisely, of a suicider
By ALEXANDRE MARUCA: Notes on the rise of the extreme right based on a reading of Anselm Jappe
By ARI MARCELO SOLON & LEONARDO PASSINATO E SILVA: For Kelsen, Platonic political doctrine is based on the philosopher's homosexuality, a circumstance that would explain a totalitarian tendency of Platonic philosophical project
By FLÁVIO R. KOTHE: A great work is built from horizons that are broader than the present domination: it allows the reader to fly over abysses