Photographer and Researcher. Master and PhD in Visual Arts (2010-2018; ECA/USP). Co-director of the short film O Ruído do Mar (awarded at LAMA, 2020; and at the Accolade Global Film Competition, 2019). She was a professor of photography at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (2018). She taught courses and lectures in spaces such as: Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes, SESC, SENAC and Casa das Rosas. Scholarship selected from the High Formation course on Gramsci's thought, from the Ghilarza Summer School: Scuola Internazionale di Studi Gramsciani (Italy, 2016). Author of “An indeterminate woman” (contemplated in Arte como Respiro/Literatura/Itaú Cultural, 2020); co-author of “Ela e ela” (Honorable Mention at the 25th Programa Nascente/USP, 2017); author of the book chapter “Russian constructivism: history, aesthetics and politics” (1917: The year that shook the world, Boitempo, 2017); and co-organizer of the book “Lampejos: Arte, Memória, Verdade, Justiça” (Commissão de Amnesty/MJ/UFMG, 2016). Guest photographer for the Araguaia Working Group, of the Special Commission on Political Deaths and Disappearances (2014). She is part of the NOMA audiovisual production collective.