ColeraAlegria is a collaborative action of a political nature. It is interesting to manifest affections, ideas, cries, suggestions, propositions, reactions (the list follows) about the urgencies of the present time. In a comprehensive manner, the aim is to reappropriate symbols, colors, shapes and words distorted by right-wing discourses, but also to create different forms of expression and political manifestation. Posters, flags and banners were chosen as devices, which must be in circulation. On social media, they move around by sharing images, along with the hashtag #coleraalegria – which is also their signature – and any other hashtag you want to add. Outside of virtuality, the place for these posters-etc. they are the bodies and the subjects. They must be wielded, manipulated, lifted, balanced, thus avoiding situations in which they are just being displayed passively, without giving rise to an exchange relationship. This action is spontaneous, emergency, fragile, ephemeral and incomplete, but its strength can also arise from this condition. The participants are diverse and can change over time (some join, others leave, etc.) without the need to fix the number or nature of the collaboration. Publicly, it doesn't matter who participates in the action, while for us the bonds of affection and friendship, and the possibility of exchanges that come from this context, matter.