I do not celebrate the death of Delfim Netto nor do I see any reason to forget the dictatorship or sugarcoat his disastrous action
I was a student and Antônio Delfim Netto was ambassador in Paris, appointed by a general with life and death power over political activists.
Aldo Arantes, Haroldo Lima and Vladimir Pomar were being tortured in São Paulo.
I called the Embassy. I introduced myself as an Israeli businessman, close to the Ambassador. I don't remember the name I came up with. It worked, he answered.
“If you don’t stop torturing Aldo Arantes, Haroldo Lima and Vladimir Pomar, I’ll shoot you in the stomach.”
I hung up and walked away, scared to death, but in no hurry, from the Odeon metro station.
At the time, the “Jackal” left European capitals terrified. His actions stigmatized Latin American democratic resistance. It helped to “legitimize” bloodthirsty governments.
But, on that phone call, I felt like a “Jackal”. It was the reaction of a stunned person faced with bestiality. Obviously, I wouldn't shoot anyone in the stomach.
I analyzed the drought in the Northeast during the Chamber of Deputies' large session.
I reviewed the dictatorship's policy for the Northeast. I pointed out the misuse of tax incentives, corrupt clientelism, statistical manipulation, demagogic propaganda, the persistent penury of rural workers and the shameless use of the homeless for the disastrous occupation of the Amazon.
Delfim Netto listened to me attentively, without asking aside.
At the end, he told me that he liked the analysis of extensive cattle farming and asked if I really believed in the possibility of industrialization where there was a lack of water.
I responded that an average rainfall of 600mm annually would not disqualify the northeastern hinterland as an area suitable for agriculture and manufacturing activities.
A small circle was formed, which included Haroldo Lima and Aldo Arantes. In the relaxed atmosphere of the plenary, I asked if he remembered the threat he had received when he was ambassador.
He looked at me in amazement. Certain phone calls are unforgettable.
I expressed my joy that we were all alive.
I do not celebrate the death of Delfim Netto nor do I see any reason to forget the dictatorship or sugarcoat his disastrous action.
* Manuel Domingos Neto He is a retired UFC professor and former president of the Brazilian Association of Defense Studies (ABED). Author, among other books What to do with the military – Notes for a new National Defense (Reading Cabinet). []
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