By ERIK CHICONELLI GOMES: Tribute to the recently deceased American sociologist
By EMANUEL THOMAS MARCONDES: The king proclaimed the monster's punishment for all the evil he had done in his long life on earth: the creature should be imprisoned forever for his sins.
By JOSÉ MICAELSON LACERDA MORAIS: Author's introduction to the recently published book
By VIEGAS FERNANDES DA COSTA: Hija de Perra's gaze scrutinized the coloniality of knowledge about new gender debates, centered on the Global North
By JUDITH BUTLER: Forewords by the author to the newly published book
By MARCIO S. SARAIVA: Commentary on the recently released book, organized by Joel Birman and Fernanda Canavêz
By WILLIAM DIAZ: Presentation of the book recently launched in Colombia, by Fabio Akcelrud Durão
By LEONARDO DE AMORIM THURY: Commentary on the recently released book by José Luís Fiori
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: A look at the most memorable celebrations of January 25th
By PIERRE BOURDIEU: Text of the posthumous book, recently published in Brazil
By AFRANIO CATANI: Commentary on Elena Ferrante's book
By DENILSON BOTELHO: Considerations on the novel by Marcelo Rubens Paiva
By JOÃO LANARI BO: Commentary on the film directed by Edward Berger, currently showing in theaters
By GASPAR PEACE: Foreword to the recently released book by André Queiroz
By MIGUEL ENRIQUE STEDILE: Considerations on Valerio Arcary's recently released book
By SAMUEL KILSZTAJN: The writer was accused of being anti-Semitic and self-hating. On the other hand, he was praised by Jews for being one of the most awarded American writers of his generation.
By BRUNO FABRICIO ALCEBINO DA SILVA: Considerations on Ariano Suassuna's play and the films based on this work
By LETÍCIA NÚÑEZ ALMEIDA: Considerations on the recently released book by Luiz Eduardo Soares
By PALACE MARKERS: Considerations on Isaac Asimov's book that turns 75 years old.
By ANOUCH KURKDJIAN: Considerations on Tove Ditlevsen's book
Michel Burawoy (1947-2025)
Michel Burawoy (1947-2025)
Por ERIK CHICONELLI GOMES: Homenagem ao sociólogo norte-americano, recém-falecido ...
The monster of justice
The monster of justice
By EMANUEL TOMÉ MARCONDES: The king proclaimed the punishment of the monster in the face of all the evil he had done...
The New Testament in the light of the 21st century
The New Testament in the light of the 21st century
By JOSÉ MICAELSON LACERDA MORAIS: Author's introduction to the recently published book...
Daughter of a bitch
Daughter of a bitch
By VIEGAS FERNANDES DA COSTA: Hija de Perra's gaze scrutinized the coloniality of knowledge about the new debates...
Subjects of desire
Subjects of desire
By JUDITH BUTLER: Forewords by the author to the newly published book ...
Brazilian psychoanalysis
Brazilian psychoanalysis
By MÁRCIO S. SARAIVA: Commentary on the recently released book, organized by Joel Birman and Fernanda Canavêz ...
Theory in fragments
Theory in fragments
By WILLIAM DÍAZ: Presentation of the book recently launched in Colombia, by Fabio Akcelrud Durão ...
A theory of global power
A theory of global power
By LEONARDO DE AMORIM THURY: Commentary on the recently released book by José Luís Fiori ...
Memories of São Paulo's birthdays
Memories of São Paulo's birthdays
By WALNICE NOGUEIRA GALVÃO: A look at the remarkable celebrations of January 25th...
Return to reflexivity
Return to reflexivity
By PIERRE BOURDIEU: Text from the posthumous book, recently published in Brazil ...
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