Deep seek for the slow ones

Image: Yuzhe Yang


Chinese AI shows that even in the field of capitalism, the Yankees can no longer be superior

We, the crowd of slow-witted people in technological matters, we from the time of skynet James Cameron, Genival Lacerda's battery-powered radio, why should we spend our time with this so-called Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Artificial intelligence, according to Miguel Nicolelis, is neither intelligence nor artificial. For him, it is not machines that think for humanity, but rather Brockman and Zuckerberg, who hide behind them. Artificial intelligence is induced by the hand of capital and its owners.

The analysis of the illustrious Palmeiras fan was predicted by Frank Herbert. Yes, he, the creator of Arrakis and the leviathans of the sands, the Shai-Hulud (old men of the Desert). We do not know if it was pure genius or due to the consumption of the then-fashionable psilocybin that generated this epiphany in Frank Herbert's mind. The fact is that he sang the song: "one day, men handed over their reason to machines, hoping that this would free them. But they only allowed themselves to be enslaved by other men with machines."[I]

Without wanting to talk about Talos, from the Greek myths, in scientific terms, research into artificial intelligence (AI) dates back to George Boole, a British mathematician, and Allan Turing, the man who uncovered the Nazis' secrets. The thing finally left the drawing board in the 3s. But it began to generate profits through commercial use in the XNUMXs, with products aimed at large companies. In the way we know it, and to which we refer now, the first mass use occurred with GPT-XNUMX. From then on, it was more difficult for teachers to know how much their students were participating in the texts they handed in. According to a friend of mine, it was a great “generator of nonsense”.

In any case, this way of dealing with a series of human activities, until then carried out by millions of workers, has entered a period of transformation. Entire sections of large corporations, which had armies of sad people doing socially useless but immensely profitable work, have evaporated and are evaporating day by day.

Despite their resistance, most countries had to include this new reality in their calculations. All for the sake of productivity, which always creates the same dilemma. With technological advances, more is produced with fewer workers, and by laying off surplus labor, costs are reduced, but the consumer market is also reduced, the consumer market for which the product is intended, a product that increases with technological advances.

In this new trend, the US has invested billions in projects by Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Nvidia, much of which is public money, as usual. And to dominate this field, the champions of free enterprise have implemented a series of actions to prevent China from developing artificial intelligence products that can compete with them. In the name of national security, they have established import restrictions on chips and software, in addition to imposing economic sanctions on Chinese companies operating in this field. “Long live freedom, dammit!”

The products that Yankee capitalism offers are a double-edged sword, the old Trojan horse trick. We gather all our information and put it in the magic hat of their artificial intelligence, to increase productivity. However, if power is information, all information ends up in the hands of the one who develops the technology. In other words, the fruits of the wealth produced by the workers, both civil and state, of a country are handed over to them.

In the process, they pay dearly for this service of “thinking” and give them the main product of this activity: information. And this information is transformed, by big tech, into social control, dissemination of prejudice and class oppression, all in the service of the concentration of wealth and power, towards the 5th Reich. Therefore, American citizens must understand that the real risk to their national security is the capitalists and their State, and not Chinese “communism.”

Neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis, the main opponent of the discourse on what Artificial Intelligence is, says that one of its infeasibility is the large amount of energy used to power its engines and the rivers of water used to cool them. However, the company founded by a young Chinese man, Liang Wenfeng, DeepSeek, with only two hundred researchers, created the new Artificial Intelligence.

Made with a string and two matchsticks, DeepSeek can run its AI even on a 2-8-3. Exaggerations aside, the new system actually uses only a fraction of the water and energy consumed by American monstrosities. To give you an idea, the project supposedly cost only six million dollars, the same amount of money that big tech companies spend on coffee. Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang's annual salary alone is five times that amount.

DeepSeeck's artificial intelligence was launched the same week as the inauguration of the Laranjão of the apocalypse. Pure coincidence! The launch of the Chinese platform caused Nvidia, owned by Brockman, to lose 600 billion in just one day, and the sector as a whole danced with 1 trillion dollars in market value. This trifle is equivalent to half of Brazil's GDP in 2023. And to top it all off, the Eastern researchers offered their creation in the so-called open source, that is, “free of charge”. “Our principle is not to subsidize (the market) or generate huge profits.” This is how Liang Wenfeng defines his company’s mission. Foreigners are still seeing stars due to the slap in the face they received.

Nvidia and other companies have created a series of products and equipment for sale associated with Artificial Intelligence. The crook Donald Trump said he will invest 500 billion in Artificial Intelligence infrastructure. The project is called Stargate, a name borrowed from a science fiction series from the XNUMXs. This project includes several data centers that are data processing, storage and analysis units. These gigantic contraptions, which consume large amounts of energy and water, are used to train Artificial Intelligence.

The question is: if artificial intelligence, in the model that is being announced by China, really delivers what it promises, using a tiny fraction of the resources of the American model, what will they do with all this junk? And an uncomfortable suspicion embarrasses the diners: were the American projects creating difficulties in order to sell facilities?

This Chinese move, theoretically, is not Xi Jinping's doing, nor the CCP's doing. Heh, heh, heh, if this is true, on one side we will have the so-called liberals, nostalgic for the Führer, being pumped up by the State to stay in the competition and on the other “communists” making them eat dust only with private initiative. In other words, not even in the field of capitalism can the Yankees be superior anymore.

The lesson, understandable to the most ignorant newspaper columnists, that can be drawn from this episode is that the US definitely no longer plays alone. Since the fall of the USSR, they owned the ball, the field and the uniform, but no longer do so.

Brazil, under the Lula administration, has already identified the scam. In March of last year, the president ordered that work begin on our Brazilian artificial intelligence. So, it is urgent that our government, after this double twist in the technological race, immediately establish a working group to study this new route that is opening up, which is not only cheap, but also ecological and democratic.

* Giovanni Mesquita He is a historian and museologist. Book author Bento Gonçalves: from birth to revolution (Suzano).


[I] This phrase appears on the lips of Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, a Bene Gesserit, in the first book of DuneOf 1965.

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