Debolsonarize Brazil. As?




Accelerated economic growth industrialization and construction of the material foundations for a welfare state


This is not a million dollar question. It is to observe how societies radicalized by the right have managed to overcome a certain state of mind. The post-World War II European example is classic: thirty years of economic growth and the building of a powerful welfare state. On the other hand, this brought social mobility, low levels of unemployment and horizons for future generations.

In the US, unlike the USSR which was a society where planning was focusing on the unification of its internal market and on the countryside-city transition, planning mechanisms served to seek full employment. The American dream was real. Analyzing the world between 1946-1973 is essential as a starting point for certain analyses.

In the Brazilian case, we identified all the characteristics of a society ready to be alienated and fascistized. Economy in shambles, low self-esteem of the people, precariousness, excessive power to security apparatuses like the PMs and squeamishness in relation to the Armed Forces. Alongside this, the entire public debate dominated by atrocious fiscalism, a left that was too cosmopolitan to be Brazilian or divided into sects that distorted the true meaning of what it means to be “radical”.

Our country, completely dependent on exports of commodities has a double problem. The tendency for the terms of trade to deteriorate and the reactionary nature of agribusiness. I return here to a false polemic. As a Leninist, I am a defender of the triumph of large-scale production in agriculture and I know very well who wants the destruction of our large-scale production. But I want to see the political power of Brazilian ruralists reduced to zero. In other words, we have a tangle of contradictions to deal with and a single path demonstrated by history: reindustrialization.

Bolsonarism will only begin to pass when some consensus in our society reaches the need for accelerated economic growth, industrialization and construction of the material bases for a welfare state Brazilian. Immediately, returning to the policy of correcting the minimum wage with real gain is one step. Resuming stopped public works and recomposing the role of BNDES and Caixa, ditto. But it's not enough.

Brazil must nationalize some concepts enshrined by Atlanticists. For example, the concepts of sustainability, “green growth” and this reactionary machine of carbon credits. Our national intelligence must review these concepts in light of the national and material needs of our people. In this regard, we must note with concern the growing force that organizations like @OpenSocietyBR and others have exerted on so-called “progressive” thinking and the damage it has caused us, including a much larger share in government than many parties. We have to stop naturalizing the financing of this type of organization to left-wing intellectuals. @OpenSocietyBR is only interested in “regime change" and nothing else. They are obstacles to a consensus on the left of the need for our reindustrialization.

In politics, debolsonarization involves a drastic reduction in the power of agribusiness. You don't have to go to Marx to know the formula. We don't need to destroy our great production. David Ricardo's tip is clear: Industry.

*Elias Jabbour is a professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). He is the author, among other books, together with Alberto Gabriele, of China: Socialism in the XNUMXst Century (Boitempo).


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