Fundamental human rights – the suppression of lies

Image: Alexey Demidov


April 1st is the day of the lie and coup of 1964

Initial considerations

Objectively, we will say that: where human misery parades, social hatred has already distilled – objectifying who “could” suffer violence and denial. This is the kind of hate that sticks and stubborn, like a second skin. It is this hatred that distinguishes life: who should live, who can (“deserve”) to die. This type of hatred is portrayed in our history as a continuous, haunting eternal return, in continuity with slavery in its mentality and practices.

This social hatred explains why old, obsolete, necrotic, atavistic modes of production, like marquises of degenerated mythologies, still subsist in Brazil. It is a slave-owning hatred, encrusted, religiously sacramented, supremacist, condescending with the planned and awaited death. That's why we see so many people being rescued from working conditions analogous to slavery. In some cases there are even shackles.

This social hatred still exemplifies the fact that Brazil perfectly combined, in a hybridity of planting, slavery and capitalism – in the phase of primitive capital accumulation. Consumption and well-being have always belonged to the colonizer.

In this way, it remains evident that the struggle for the integrality of Fundamental Human Rights, classist, however, from the angle of those who look “against the grain”, has as its central object the defeat of social, racist, misogynistic hatred, disruptive of human dignity.

A little more about the object

The struggle for human rights continues, is continuous and is always a systemic struggle, especially against arbitrariness, inequalities, intolerances, and all forms of autocracy. It is a Fight for the Right, in the sense of Rudolf Von Ihering,[1] as a political struggle within the class struggle.

To see the class struggle, all we have to do is open the window and look at the streets – above all, if they are far from the comfort of the middle classes in their labyrinths of exclusive condominiums, ready to repel, banish, like avid and skilful banoptic systems.

The 1st of April 2023, the first under the still insufficient democracy, in the post-coup d'état of 2016, must be seen as an icon of the attack against the nation, the people, the working class, the poor, the black women and indigenous peoples.

The 1964 coup only brought arbitrariness and darkness, for example, it generated 2018 and the worst fascist sequels. They're still everywhere. Thus, April 1st is the day of the lie and the coup of 1964.

The coup was real, until today it has harmful effects on the people and on the State, however, it is a lie (capital letter) that there was an imminence of communism. And, even worse, that communism was harmful to the country. Communism doesn't eat little children, but degenerate fascists do; in fact, the Fascist Chief of that country boasts of having “painted a mood” with 12-year-old girls.

The surrender of national sovereignty, torture, assassinations, very serious violations of human rights, the AI-5 that formally eliminated fundamental rights, all of this was very real, in the post-64 period. The effects of this reality, hidden in the rubble of lies, all of this was and still is very real.

Therefore, the 1st of April must be considered as the day of the worst national lie. The day on which the meticulous planning of the corruption of our symbols, of our national riches, of the “brazilian soul” itself began – with repercussions on the incapacity for historical reflection that still compels us.

It must also be seen as the day of truth, of historical truth driven by the countless struggles of political and popular resistance. The day of truth that until today we seek, and we fight so that it is not forgotten. we deal with the struggle of all men and women who persevere in the fight for human rights – now as an axis of Brazilian cultural diversity, our civilizing process, for the dignity of the people, for the fairest and most balanced “unity in diversity”.

Yeah, that's what human rights are about. It should be added that we must deal with fundamental human rights, that is, with the urgent determination of the dignity of the poor, black and oppressed people. As an urgency, extremely urgent, after all, hunger does not wait. The hunger for everything, because everything is denied them.

This must be the foundation of the democratic rule of law. Despite the obvious fact that no one's human dignity can be mitigated, made secondary, it is even more obvious and striking (to anyone with social intelligence) that the dignity of the poor, black and oppressed people must be the social, political and economic guide .

If we take into account the efforts to decimate traditional peoples, indigenous peoples, forest peoples, quilombolas, forcibly mixed races, the account will grow a lot. However, we must still add all the acts that create privileges, to the benefit of technocracy, of the hosts of public power, bourgeoisie and biased by concentric capital, agglutinator of spoils and national income. This is, for example, the profile of the Judiciary, encased in domes, under the vertigo of a caste that floats over the prosaic reality of “mere mortals” (the contributors of its benefits). This story, if it weren't a vicar's tale, would be a replication of Kafka, in his discontinuous process of credibility (public honesty) and his Castle: where the jurisconsults, heirs of the worst types of ancient Rome, live.

Add to this the real political-legal attacks committed against the working class, the labor reforms that, practically, never brought a benefit, a real right for workers – even less for working-class black women.

It is not difficult to perceive, understand, when we have some social intelligence, that the fight for Human Rights is much more than a fight for Law; effectively, it is a political struggle through class struggle. It's a fight that has a time to start, today, right now, in this moment that I write, but that has no end: the wrongdoing will always hit us. And the worst thing to do is, famously, to do nothing.

Hence, the struggle for the effectiveness of fundamental human rights is the core of urgency in the resumption of the democratic rule of law. It is, then, about placing the dignity of the poor, black and oppressed people as an essential requirement in the fight for the recovery of Human Rights in this country. This is the premise of what I consider fundamental human rights here: to support the dignity of the poor, black and oppressed people so that we no longer know human misery.

That is why we insist, more than ever: the struggle for the right is imperative, as a political struggle through the class struggle, in defense and promotion of the realization of the fundamental human rights of the poor, black and oppressed people.

*Vinicio Carrilho Martinez He is a professor at the Department of Education at UFSCar.


IHERING, Von Rudolf. The fight for the right. Sao Paulo, Martin Claret, 2002.

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