Born in São Paulo, in 1961, Dora Longo Bahia holds a PhD in Visual Poetics from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo [ECA – USP] with a postdoctoral degree in Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences [FFLCH – USP]. She is currently a professor at the Visual Arts Course at ECA – USP and her works unfold in various media, such as painting, photography, sound installations, films and books. The artist also plays in Cão, a noise band formed in 2013. From the late 1980s, when she graduated in Art Education from FAAP, the artist participated in national and international exhibitions and festivals and received several awards. Among them, the 7th Marcantonio Vilaça Award in 2019 and the Zum/IMS Scholarship in 2016. in 2019 of the 2018th Panorama of Brazilian Art.