By Julian Rodrigues*
O Rock in Rio (which took place between September 27 and October 6) was marked by many political demonstrations, with a critical tone of the Bolsonaro government and its ultraliberal and neofascist program.
In several shows, the audience marked their rejection of the current scenario by shouting: “Hey, Bolsonaro: go fuck yourself”. This outburst has been present throughout the country, at least since the student demonstrations that exploded in May.
On Thursday, October 3rd, the band Francisco, El Hombre made a presentation considered the most politicized of the Rock in Rio. The group's lead singer said: “jumping, jumping, anyone who doesn't jump is a militiaman”, driving the crowd crazy. Criticism of the Bolsonaro government was the keynote of the show, as well as the defense of Lula Book.
But when the public shouted – as they had been doing for days – “Hey, Bolsonaro, go fuck yourself”, the singer replied. He did not hesitate and made a point of demarcating: “taking it in the ass is delicious”.
Anal sex is a practice that gives pleasure to millions and millions of people in Brazil – of all genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, ethnicities, etc, etc.
Why, then, wish such a good thing for a ruler whom we want to repudiate in the highest degree?
relearn to curse
Deconstructing stigmas, humiliations and everyday symbolic violence perpetrated against women, blacks, LGBTI is a constitutive part not only of the anti-capitalist struggle – but also of the civilizing journey for democratic freedoms.
The swear words we learn since childhood are an acute expression of the characteristics of capitalist, racist, sexist, patriarchal, cisheteronormative society, based on the repression of sexuality.
Look: there is always plenty for women, for gays, for blacks. And stigmatizing sexual pleasure as something bad.
“Filho da puta” (what does the subject's mother, even though she is a sex worker, have to do with what he does?); “go fuck yourself” (fuck is synonymous with having sex, so why would that be a bad thing?); “you queer” (homosexuals would be the worst in society!).
“Bitch”, “bitch”, “whore”, “whore”, “job”, “slut” – for women, all bad words are related to supposedly “excessive” sexual activity – deep down, a misogynistic hatred for women’s autonomy. women and their right to their own bodies.
“Your cuckold”, “horned” (maximum offense for a “male”: his partner would have stayed with another man!).
And, of course: all the immense variations related to anal sex. From the classic and ubiquitous: "go take it up your ass" to "break in", "go suck a cock", "stick in your ass", "asshole", "crazy fagot", "faggot broken in", and so on.
Telling someone to “take it up the ass” is to reinforce a sexist and anti-LGBTI stigma. It's not just reiterating an oppressive ban on anal sex (something absolutely conservative, square, repressive). It is a particular, specific and properly homophobic offense.
Homophobic? Yes. Very. Totally. Anal (passive) sex is historically associated with gay men. It is synonymous with submission, with moral degradation. Something nasty, disgusting, sinful.
Notice that those who “eat their ass” are outside the scope of the curse (you can eat fagots). The ugly thing is to "give the ass". Because it is something “feminine”, it is when a man gives up his status to match a “little woman”. Being penetrated is a woman's thing. Minor thing. Men must not be penetrated. They lose their dignity and their social status.
Therefore, ordering someone to “take it up the ass” is to wish that person to be humiliated, placed in a lower place. It's also hoping that he suffers (because anal penetration is automatically and mistakenly associated with pain, bleeding, injuries).
We dispense with a more in-depth linguistic, historical, sociological analysis to understand the oppressive and discriminatory role of the insults that we hear and reproduce since childhood.
Cu: the last refuge
Promoting equality between women and men, freedom of gender identity, free sexuality, sexual and reproductive rights is an agenda yet to be, as a whole, incorporated by the left.
Men, especially progressives, are called upon to enter this debate immediately and headlong.
We need to discuss the hegemonic models of masculinity. Facing machismo and homophobia, as well as sexual repression. Men are agents of oppression and also victims of the heterosexist patriarchal model.
When discussing these issues, in classes and lectures, I always provoke: “the ass is the last refuge of masculinity”. Then, before the guys can take a deep breath, I reveal: “asshole has no sexual orientation, it's just a region of the body that can provide pleasure”.
There is a lot of literature on this topic. But it's puzzling how the taboo remains so strong. "Ground wire"? Never confess, not even joking.
Shall we release the fuck and the ass? Take it off the list of bad things?
Is it past time for all progressive youth, social movements, intelligentsia, leftist parties to discuss gender and sexuality – more feminism, anti-racism, sexual and gender freedom?
Bolsonaro would perhaps be a better man – and his children too – if they had had a different relationship with their sexuality. It's fact.
But, go there. Are we going to invent a better way to curse the neo-fascist?
“Hey, Bolsonaro, there will be police / which in the ass is delicious”.
*Julian Rodrigues, professor and journalist, he is an activist of the LGBTI and human rights movements