Text that generated a petition with more than three thousand signatures.
Today is the first day of 2024. On New Year's Eve, the Zionist State of Israel continued its bombardment of the population of Gaza. There are more than two million people trapped, with all means of production of life and subsistence cut off, massacred and bombed daily in an indiscriminate manner, with a toll of more than 20 thousand civilian deaths and the destruction of their homes, hospitals, schools , mosques, entire cities.
Such horror is only comparable to that which the Jews themselves suffered under Nazi-fascism. In both, a heavily armed state deliberately attacks a population under its rule.
It is worth remembering that Zionism is a political current among Jews; and that anti-Semitism is a racist current whose peak was the systematic extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany. We know racism and its open or discreet falsifications well. We will always fight against all racism.
Therefore, we fight against anti-Semitism. But to identify Judaism and Zionism is to falsify history. Many Jews are against Zionism, which is a political aspect.
Confusing the two has a purpose: Zionism aims to silence everyone (Jews and non-Jews) by imposing a gross historical falsification: criminalizing the denunciation of Zionist horrors by equating it with anti-Semitism. It is a deliberate falsification, which has generated scenes of political horror, such as a demonstration supposedly in the fight against anti-Semitism held in France, in which historical defenders of Hitler's government participated, such as the forces led by Marine Le Pen.
The falsification gains scale with the close proximity between Zionism, the international extreme right, the US (and Western) governments, and the large Western proprietary media. They spend millions to blur the brutal difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism and, in particular, the Israeli far right. They go even further and try to criminalize dissenting voices. Ruling classes and Western governments are trying to ban demonstrations against the horror promoted for months by the far-right Zionist State of Israel against the population of Gaza.
They did this in England, Germany and France, but the population was not fooled and faced such falsifications with massive demonstrations in defense of the Palestinian people. The popular classes around the world incessantly denounce the ongoing massacre, to the point that the Israeli government finds itself increasingly isolated, as its acts are even worse than those practiced by the former Israeli regime. apartheid of South Africa, because racist whites segregated black people, like Israel segregates Palestinians, but did not bomb them.
In Brazil, they are now trying to silence a courageous voice of Jewish origin, that of Breno Altman, who dedicated himself tirelessly to explaining – with data, bibliography, cited sources and facts – the falsifications and horrors that the far-right Zionist State of Israel realizing.
The initiative of CONIB (Confederação Israelita do Brasil), one of the many non-profit entities sponsored by the Israeli extreme right in the world, is unacceptable and shameful, by promoting historical falsification and trying to hide the obvious – the indiscriminate massacre and the “cleansing ethnic group” carried out by Israel – blaming Breno Altman as an anti-Semite! Right to him, Jew. The falsification is gross and Zionists attempt to disguise their own anti-Palestinian racism under denying smokescreens of historical truth. But the truth is before our eyes.
Even more serious is the acceptance by the Federal Police of an opportunistic, falsifying complaint in defense of the continuation of the massacre, which aims to silence one of the most important voices in defense of the Palestinian people in Brazil. This government cannot be complicit in such falsification, which promotes apartheid, genocide, widespread massacre and ethnic cleansing.
No silence is justified and omission condemns us.
All support for Breno Altman and the Palestinian people!
*Virginia Fontes is a professor in the postgraduate program at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Author, among other books, of Impertinent reflections: history and contemporary capitalism (Mauad X).
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Names of supporters on 3/1/2024.
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