In our conversation with Renan Quinalha, we discussed the importance of telling the story of the LGBTI+ movement, covering important international episodes and its consolidation in Brazil. The relationship between the military dictatorship, and later the current authoritarianism, and the LGBTI+ population was also one of the topics discussed, as well as the relationship of this movement with the left, especially the Marxist left. Finally, Renan brought us what he believes to be the current challenges of the LGBTI+ movement and its position regarding identitarianism.
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Renan Quinalha is a professor of Law at the Federal University of São Paulo, where he also coordinates the TransUnifesp Center. He holds degrees in Law and Social Sciences, a master's degree in General Theory and Philosophy of Law and a doctorate in International Relations, both from USP. In addition to academia, he is also a human rights lawyer and a consulting member of the Commission on Sexual and Gender Diversity of the OAB-SP. He has published several books, such as LGBTI+ Movement: a brief history from the 19th century to our days and Against morality and good customs: the dictatorship and repression of the LGBT community.
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