It was really sad

Image: Mar Delgado, Buenos Aires, CABA, Argentina


But our brothers are much bigger

The crowd was big. I don't remember others choiceBuenos Aires are watched with so much attention here. The Bolsonarists, for example, went there to campaign wanting to create a certain third-round air.

Abstention there, where voting is also mandatory, was practically the same here: 20%. The electoral system for the legislature is proportional, an improvement. You vote for party lists and not for so-and-so. A bit of a difficult thing to understand without the mandatory primaries. Unlike internal caucuses or American primaries, everyone is required to vote.

On December 10, 2021, Lula gave a speech to thousands in Buenos Aires, accompanied by Cristina Kirchner, Alberto Fernández and José Mujica. It was mainly a gesture of thanks. Alberto Fernández, in the midst of a difficult electoral campaign, took a plane and went to visit Lula in prison on July 4, 2019. A courageous and symbolic gesture. Alberto also came on Monday, October 31st just to hug and greet Lula, he was the first international chef to do so in person.

Political, cultural, commercial and tourist relations with natural tensions have been on an upward trajectory for years. And the Workers' Party has solid links with the Argentine left.

The defeat of Peronism is a bad omen. Even more so considering the grotesque character who won. Jair Bolsonaro and Donald Trump next to Javier Milei are almost two refined nobles. Yes, yes, if we know that It's a global hello.

 The electoral rise of neo-fascists who are so caricatured that they sound like a bad joke, until they win.

It's okay that Sergio Massa, as certain people said, was even less charismatic than Fernando Haddad. Furthermore, it appears that Peronism was broken. Obviously, however, the difference was the material living conditions of the majority. 40% poverty, 7% unemployment.

It is important to take into account that Argentina historically has much better social indices than ours. In other words, the impact of the deterioration in the quality of life there tends to be felt much more by the people. The Brazilian Gini index – which measures income inequality – is 51,48. Argentina's is 42,28.

Trade unionism and social movements are very strong there. Remember the picketers and the popular rebellion that overthrew five presidents in 12 days?

 All this struggle paved the way for the defeat of Menemist neoliberalism and the election of Néstor Kirchner in 2003, an unknown provincial from Santa Cruz, in the extreme south of the country.

 And then came Cristina Kirchner, further to the left. In fact, Peronism created a radical, combative, mass ideological and independent youth to La Cámpora (I'm dying of envy).

Sergio Massa was not even remotely a candidate with the punch, the charisma necessary to face the neofascist entertainer ultraliberal.

The Peronist candidate bore the weight of the bad economic indicators (in addition to not being the candidate in pectoris by Cristina Kirchner, who at one point was somewhat removed from the campaign – remember Fernando Haddad hiding the prisoner Inácio in 2018?

In short, it was a defeat for Pátria Grande.

Next year there are elections in Mexico, Uruguay, Venezuela, Panama, El Salvador and the Dominican Republic. Let's work for hello pink. Squid in them! United left. Great Homeland of Bolívar and Fidel!

* Julian Rodrigues, journalist and teacher, is a PT militant and an activist in the LGBTI and Human Rights movement.

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