Author introduction to newly released book
This book is the result of eight years of research, around the following questions: which works and authors on ethics, politics and epistemology are references in Brazilian information science? In what ways do ethical, political, epistemological and informational issues, as we say today, intertwine or not in these works? What are the big themes, discussions, approaches?
In recent years, I have published several articles with partial answers to these questions, obtained mainly through theoretical-bibliographic and documentary research, but also through interviews, in writing and in audiovisual recording.
The audiovisual recordings were made because the original objective of these interviews was not the publication of a book, but the making of a film and an open access digital video library, with a name and cross-reference index, which would allow access to excerpts from the interviews that dealt with the names and themes sought, by keywords. At a certain point along the way, the idea for the book came to me. Film, video library and book will thus be three developments of the in-depth research. Film and video library are in the process of being finalized, with release scheduled for the last third of 2022.
The interviewees for this book are scholars in information science, philosophy, political economy of communication, sociology and psychoanalysis, from seven countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cuba, France, England and Uruguay. They are: Armand Mattelart, Barbara Cassin, Cesar Bolaño, Charles Feitosa, Elton Luiz Leite e Souza, Fernando Santoro, Graham Murdock, José Augusto Guimarães, Leon Capeller, Maria Nélida González de Gómez, Michel Maffesoli, Rafael Capurro and Yohanka Léon del Rio .
Several of my advisees from the Graduate Program in Information Science at the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict) in association with the School of Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PPGCI Ibict-ECO) collaborated on the project as a whole. /UFRJ), plus one from the postgraduate program in Media and Daily Life at the Fluminense Federal University (PPGMC-UFF), as well as researchers whose postdoctoral internship I supervised at the Advanced Program of Contemporary Culture (PACC) at UFRJ. Their names and specific collaborations appear in the book.
Of the thirteen interviews, eight took place in Rio de Janeiro, one in Niterói and the other four in Havana, Cuba, on the occasion of the 9th Meeting of the Latin Union of Political Economy of Information, Communication and Culture (Ulepicc Federation), in 2015.
I conceived the project, prepared the general script for the interviews, with the help of Gustavo Saldanha, carried out all of them, collaborated on some translations and on the final version of the set of texts, for which I assume full responsibility for any formal problems – the content is mainly responsibility of the interviewees, although the interviewer also has some, for the formulation of the questions and the conduct of the interview.
Naturally, research of this nature will never be completed. However, this does not prevent approximations and interesting discoveries.
* Marco Schneider He is a professor at the Department of Communication at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF). Author, among other books, of The dialectic of taste: information, music and politics (Circuit).
Mark Schneider. In(with)formation: Marco Schneider interview. Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology, 2022.
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