We call for Senator Magno Malta to be invoked for breach of decorum, as well as respond judicially, without the guarantees of distorted parliamentary immunity
Real Madrid player Vinícius Jr (Vini Jr) was the target of racism and xenophobia, once again, in Spain. He had already seen countless fans with the same inhuman behavior, including when he had a doll symbolizing his person being hanged on a bridge. Many people sympathized with the player, the person, the Brazilian worker on Spanish soil. Memories and comparisons with the worst effects of Francoism were not ephemeral; on the contrary, they were assertive. After all, would the nightmare of the faun animal be back? The one who escapes from his labyrinth of darkness to haunt Humanity? The components seem to be there: racism, xenophobia, inhumanity, loss of ability to interact socially – to the limit of sociopathy.
At the same time that the Federal Chamber approved a motion of disapproval (unanimously)[I] to acts of racism and to make amends for the hostilities that fall against human dignity – the offense of a racist affects all of Humanity –, in the Federal Senate, on a collision course with humanist principles, Senator Magno Malta lent himself to offend even more more.[ii] He said he was surprised by the lack of action by animal defenders, for not showing solidarity with the “monkey” player (sic).
Much could be said in the face of such a statement, as has already been said, by the way; however, we must focus our attention on some starting points and objects of this piece of repudiation: (i) it is very tiresome to see supremacist parliamentarians, anyone, invoke scorn against Humanity; (ii) it is also tiring to continually defend the social intelligence that is populated with the principle of human dignity; (iii) the central focus of this rejection is based on the breach of parliamentary decorum and, thus, the issue must be addressed by the presidency of the Federal Senate; (iv) in the criminal sphere, facticity and authorship were created in the face of the commission of a crime – this is the crime of inciting racial hatred, racism.
From the Federal Constitution of 1988, it is read that criminal treatment must be exemplary, paradigmatic, and therefore, it is beyond the pedagogical precepts of the penalty. Well, it is part of the condition of affront, disrespect and preaching (supremacist/racist) of true racial hatred.
As if the innumerable obstacles and national problems were not enough, such as social and economic inequality, in which the well-known structural racism takes hold of slavery thinking – certainly, the most well-known cognitive dissonance among us –, a representative of the State comes to the public in order to manifest his genetic indisposition to mankind.
The sayings and knowledge against racism always become redundant and, perhaps even more urgent than that, the apology for more and worse acts of racism becomes undeniable, inexcusable, irreversible. Concluding the inability to socialize – along with the incitement to the crime of racism – the senator, as a representative of the State, party to the federative pact, cannot consult on matters of national interest in the Senate house.
In addition to human dignity, the cortex and cordis of public morals. Let us remember that senators – starting from their presidency – are in the line of succession of the central executive power and this, of course, makes the aforementioned senator (Magno Malta), who perhaps also does not reach the racial identity (since he does not is fond of the “white Caucasian”), even more prevented from continuing with his public functions.
If by chance Brazil, for example, from the Federal Senate – which was recently a den against national fascism –, were to promote a historic reckoning against racism, proposing a “social and racial framework”, with racial indemnities and exemplary punishments for racists, where would Senator Magno Malta's vote of excellence go?
If the country had to ratify an international declaration (another) in defense, recognition and promotion of human rights, how would it vote for distinguished excellence, if, in a regrettable act, it launches itself towards the incitement of racial crimes?
We call upon your Excellency, as President of the Federal Senate, to revive the republican principles that have been decanted since the Roman era by the unequaled Cicero – a senator who embellished the Senate of ancient Rome.
Let us see in a very brief comparison Senator Magno Malta's sarcasm of racist/supremacist origin – and which provoked us the worst anguish of all the pains of Brazilian slavery and the Jewish holocaust, under Hitler's Nazism –, with the genius of the Roman senator. In our clipping, this is how Cicero's past teaches us: “(1) Happiness is in the perfect Political Constitution. (2) Justice prevails in the Republic. (3) To govern the Republic is to convert theory into practice. (4) Righteous government enhances the "inheritance of mankind." (5) Virtue is in combating injuries and iniquity. (6) The people should follow the example of the best. (7) For the republican, happiness lies in fighting ignorance.
(8) The man worthy of the Republic gathers the attributes of humanity. (9) The greatest utility of the Republic is in the dissolution of discord. (10) The foundations of the Republic are in legal consent and common utility. (11) The Republic unites men by “bonds of sympathy”. (12) Dissension breeds discord; equality brings social balance. (13) Equal rights are imperative. (14) The State must be a society for the law. (15) The State must be protected against rage. (16) Care and zeal avoid extremisms. (17) From excessive freedom arises the tyrant. (18) The Republic is like a work of art, it must be restored in order to maintain it.
(19) It is necessary to combat public vices in order to restore peace. (20) The cunning of governing comes from the horror of dishonor. (21) The Republic is a society of men formed by the rule of law. (22) It is the duty of the politician to weave a solid social fabric. (23) The politician must weave a net between the Polis and conviviality. (24) Politics should promote the unity of the city.” (Marcus Tullius Cicero, of the Republic).
We call for the highest political representation of the National State and of Brazilian society, guardian of the federative pact, to gather the true vanity of the honorable legislator in his public work.
We call for Senator Magno Malta to be invoked for breach of decorum, as well as respond judicially, without the guarantees of distorted parliamentary immunity - since the republican institute does not lend itself to covering up crimes of a racial nature or of any other nature. It is not necessary to remember that there is no parliamentary freedom of expression that hides in incitement to the crime of racial hatred – your Excellency is more than knowledgeable of the facts and the legal nature that shelters us the principle of human dignity, according to the political letter of 1988 .
We call for the main effect posted here and desired - the loss of legislative mandate, supported by the senatorial (and lethal) declaration against human dignity - to have immediate effects and that any actions to the contrary, equally, to know the immediate loss of their postulations . Having said that, this opinion considers that the crime of racism occurred, which entails the loss of mandate for being framed as a breach of decorum.
The text is signed by a collective of people outraged by racism, lack of respect, incivility – filed with the Federal Senate and the Federal Public Ministry.
*Vinicio Carrilho Martinez He is a professor at the Department of Education at UFSCar.
*Vinicius Valentin Raduan Miguel Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rondônia.
*Roberto Kuppê is a journalist.
[I] See yourself at:
[ii] See yourself at:
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