It is necessary that this nation re-propose not a spurious “great national agreement”, but a civilizational pact
Justice be done. Were it not for the schemes of a former (fifth-rate) judge in league with the worst of the National Congress, under the protection of the USA, in 2018 we would not have needed to go through four years of darkness, in the social, political, economic spheres. , educational, housing, religious, environmental, cultural, scientific, academic, journalistic, sanitary and…, also in my case, in the professorial.
Yes, because the current chief ruler has only one skill since his days in the barracks: promoting chaos and pretending to act against more-of-the-same. It is evident that this speech only “deceived” those who pretended to believe that he would act “within the four lines of the constitution” – as he had the nerve to affirm in recent days, when announcing another one of his almost seven thousand bravados supported by fake news.
The bigger problem is that hate spreads faster and more insidiously than love. Following the anti-example of the head of the militia and leader of the pseudo-television pastors, all his advisers, ministers and supporters found themselves authorized to think, say and commit atrocities, pretending to confuse nationalism with subservience, CBF with civility, rudeness with truth , withdrawal of rights with modernization, and prejudice with sincerity.
The positive balance is that, despite the maintenance of lies throughout the campaign; of the “data” taken from beyond; the controversial attitude of the PRF during the 30th of October; the attempts to intimidate neo-Nazis; and the undisguised campaign of numerous radio and television stations, backed by subjects who despise the past and know nothing of our recent history, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was reappointed to the position of President of the Republic for the third time. As the former president pointed out on several occasions, it was necessary for a humble man, with a painful childhood, similar to so many lives of less favored people, to bring a different look at people, allowing classes and social sectors to play a leading role that had never been taken into account by the rulers of a pseudo country so used to coups.
The feat of Lula and the militants needs to be celebrated a lot. Above all, this nation needs to re-propose not a spurious “great national agreement” – like the one pronounced by Romero Jucá in 2016 –, but a civilizational pact, preferably contemplating stony clauses, inside and outside the Constitution: health, education and housing need to be the pillars of an effectively democratic, free and sovereign country.
This year, I experienced political activities as if I were twenty or thirty years younger. I attended practically all the big acts in São Paulo, both in the streets and in the Universities. Although I had read and studied less than usual, I dedicated myself more vigorously to texts with less scope, assuming that some reflections, however modest they might be, could help in the arduous task of turning the vote of some voter who might be undecided (although, truth be told, never understand how anyone can suffer from indecision in the face of a mismanagement that excelled in distilling prejudices, mocking death, putting everything in secret secrecy and detonating the rights of the people).
Yesterday was one of the most memorable days in this meager existence. I, who am very little more than a professor of literature, had the rare opportunity to follow the vote counting with party politicians, supporters and journalists. He was confident of the country's victory against the neo-Nazis. The margin was small, I repeat, probably due to the blackmail and swindles operated by this bunch of malevolent subjects, who idolize money and hate the people – which explains the fact that they never governed for others, other than mega-businessmen, agroboys, loggers, as well as influencers mercenaries, without curriculum or usable discourse).
Once the polls were completed, I admired Fernando Haddad's speech – a rare piece of sobriety and civility, in defense of the democratic dispute. From the hotel, I went up to Avenida Paulista, which I crossed cheerfully and slowly, savoring the new air that was coming. And to think that a few weeks ago, a guy like that imposing and proud of his rudeness, asked his colleague in a mocking tone “where were the PT members?”. I didn't dare to challenge him, aware of my small size and the prudent person that I am. Today, I would answer that we were intimidated because the other side is full of armed people – including inhuman beings occupying political positions that, hypothetically, represent the wishes of the population.
Brazil will continue… From Monday, it is likely that the price of fuel, food and medicine will rise again, at the pace of the dollar – which favors an economy minister living in the 1970s, belching modernity and takeoff economical. Only a blind person and/or bastard can give credit to these guys and, worse, be proud of being an accomplice of the 700 dead and the situation faced by thousands more, who started to live in the streets in conditions of misery, under the haughty look of precarious, outsourced and salaried workers without any rights.
And mind you, it's twelve twenty-six. I still hear horns and people saying “Hello, hello, hello, hello. Lula, Lula!” The red sea covered and rediscovered its place in the city.
*Jean Pierre Chauvin He is a professor at the School of Communication and Arts at USP. Author, among other books, of A thousand, one dystopia (Publisher Glove).
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