Books related to the topic Music

The incomplete story of Miriam Batucada

By DANIEL COSTA: Commentary on the recently released book by Ricardo Santhiago ...

Ending song

By JORGE COLI: Introduction to the recently released book, a collection of texts by Mário de Andrade commented by Jorge Coli ...

The music in Brazil that you play

By DANIEL BRAZIL: Commentary on Edson Natale's recently released book...

Kizomba da Vila Isabel – festival of blackness and samba

By DANIEL COSTA: Commentary on the recently released book by Carlos Fernando Cunha, Nathalia Sarro and Vinícius Natal ...

Musical mirror of the world

By FERNANDO R. DE MORAES BARROS: Commentary on Henry Burnett's book ...

The supreme music. music and politics

By GIORGIO AGAMBEN: Excerpt from the book “What is Philosophy?” ...

Good Angel, Evil Genius

By ANDRÉ RICARDO DIAS: Commentary on the book by Paulinho Lima...

Sentinels of Tradition

By DANIEL BRAZIL: Commentary on the book by Dmitri Cerboncini Fernandes ...

Beethoven, by Wagner

By HENRY BURNETT: Commentary on Richard Wagner's book Beethoven...

time, time, time

By CELSO FAVARETTO: Preface to the book Translating time: the construction of memory in the songs of Caetano Veloso, by João ...


By Walnice Nogueira Galvão Commentary on the biography of Lamartine Babo, written by Suetônio Soares Valença ...

Tropicalism or not Tropicalism

By Ricardo Fabbrini Update on the controversy sparked in 1968 by the album Tropicália, a work that brought together, among others, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto ...