By RICARDO ANTUNES: Foreword to the recently released book by Vanessa Patriota...
By ELÍSIO ESTANQUE, AGNALDO DE SOUSA BARBOSA & FABRÍCIO MACIEL: Introduction by the organizers to the recently launched book...
By LUCIANA BRUNO: Commentary on the recently released book by Trebor Scholz ...
By RICARDO ANTUNES: Excerpts from an article in the recently published book ...
By RICARDO FESTI: Introduction to the recently released book ...
By ANDERSON ALVES ESTEVES, FERNANDO MENDONÇA HECK & GRAZIELLE NAYARA FELÍCIO SILVA: Presentation by the organizers of the recently released book ...
By PIETRO BASSO: Excerpts from the Preface of the recently released book, organized by Caio Antunes and Claudia Mazzei Nogueira ...
By ADRIÁN SOTELO VALENCIA: Foreword to the recently released book by Marcela Soares ...