squid in the right time

Image: Vincent Tan


The time to give public safety and State security the due importance cannot be a long time

Machiavelli in his Book VII of Of art and war says that the Italian princes did not understand the need to do things in the right time “before experiencing the blows of ultramontane warriors”. They imagined that the exercise of a “biting response” and “subtle speeches” could give them security for a smooth command, without understanding that they could become “prey of the first robber.” And so it was – continues the great theorist of modern politics – “that three of the most powerful Italian states were plundered and looted several times.” I think that Lula, with this trip to the US, proves that he is doing things at the right time, which reminds me that giving public safety and State security the importance it deserves cannot be a long time.

In Yanomami territory there are several problems of financial globalization in the world, which, if it is true that they were not foreseen in the structure of the State – to be tackled within the limits of International Law and our internal legality – does not mean that they do not exist. And this does not mean that they cease to be a powerful accumulation of facts, which oblige the reorganization of our defenses, around national territorial sovereignty and the country's own security: national security, territorial sovereignty, public security and State security, in their police and rights protection functions are fully and inescapably linked there, until they reach the statute of naturalization of a genocide.

In the space of the Yanomami territory there are the large schemes of depredation of environmental conditions, drug trafficking, violation of the rights of the original communities, coexisting with the organization of slave-owning regimes of labor exploitation, trafficking of people and wild animals, where the circulation transits. large sums of money, quickly destined for “legal” circuits, in obscure, suspicious or simply criminal international transactions.

The smuggling and theft of natural wealth gained, from the mining stimulated by Jair Bolsonaro, more and more space in that territory of our sovereignty, illegally occupied by mafia groups – national and international – that instrumentalize common people to be vanguard of a process of private accumulation, without law and without borders. On earth, between the delirium of wealth and the brutality of the bandeirantes of post-modernity, is the spirit of peripheral capitalism liquidating the Yanomami. Cesare Pavese would say, looking into the eyes of the dead girls and boys, that sometimes “it makes you want to give back your entrance ticket to the universe”!

The penetration of “instrumental reason” – the exercise of powers without shelter in the values ​​of the political community – within the scope of the modern power system, has already been concretely studied by Machiavelli. In a risky exercise to update his concepts, it can be said that that same “instrumental reason” – interviewed by the Venetian – was strengthened and updated by the coercion of global financial organizations over the State, revealing the organizational deficit of liberal democracy. Thus, showing how it has failed to update the mechanisms of national power structured in the Federal Constitution of 1988, still under the impulse of the “cold war”.

Control of the territory, state security and public security today make up the same order of problems that reflect on national security, until today oriented to combat “ideas that come from outside to feed subversive groups that are inside”, arguments that – in fact – they were intended to protect colonial-imperial privileges, whenever democracy allowed social advances for those “from below.” It so happens that today, “the inside” and “the outside” no longer exist, in fundamental matters: they are the same inseparable fabric of common, financial and political criminality, which operates together in the national and global space.

In the name of an anti-communism for idiots, Jair Bolsonaro appropriated the outdated concepts of the “cold war” and began to house military personnel within his government, so that he could associate and selectively associate, some of them, with this criminality, to make it then permanent, through a coup d'état. This attempt, at the same time, demoralized a good part of our Armed Forces and a significant part of our country's intelligence and security apparatus, which simply did nothing against the Yanomami genocide.

In Brazil, technological development (technical and economic, criminal or not) – at this moment – ​​is in direct contradiction with the “practical-moral rationality of the Constitution”, as occurs in all societies that resist fascist harassment. The fact is that the structure of the State did not generate instruments of defense for new situations, of which what happened in the Yanomami territory is an example: defenseless, although pacified as a national territory and declared in the Constitution property of the Union (art. 20 XI of federal Constitution) – with usufruct and possession rights for indigenous people (art. 231, par. 2nd federal Constitution).

It is to be hoped that President Lula returns as soon as possible to the idea of ​​composing a strong Ministry of Public Security, capable of encompassing the multiple and new federative and global functions that, together with the Police, State intelligence agencies and other structures with affinity – with the full support of our Armed Forces – can be a superior body of institutional support for the security of the State, in its sovereignty in relation to the global criminality system, and of public security in the country, as a federative issue of the first level .

The question that arises as a strategic one, so that Brazil can compose a South American brotherhood in defense of democracy, is to unite the significant majority of South American countries around some principles, which respect the rules of the democratic game. Not allowing a repetition of the barbarism that was committed against the Yanomami is an essential preliminary to credibility in the world.

Returning the Ministry of Justice to its historic mission of coordinating the major State policies, in its permanent connection with the other Ministries and Secretariats for the defense of rights and in its relationship with the powers of the Republic, is the second step of open universal dialogue right now. Statesman thing. Not from sociopaths who do "weapon".

*Tarsus-in-law he was governor of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, mayor of Porto Alegre, Minister of Justice, Minister of Education and Minister of Institutional Relations in Brazil. Author, among other books, of possible utopia (Arts & Crafts).

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