Michelle Bolsonaro

Image: Nothing Ahead


For the neo-Pentecostal power project, Michelle Bolsonaro already has the faith of many evangelicals that she is a woman anointed by God

Judging by everything we saw happen this Sunday in Paulista, we can say that the next attempted coup against democracy in Brazil will be carried out by evangelicals. But not without the State's permissiveness towards the neo-Pentecostal power project that has been paved in stages since the end of the 1970s.

And here is a criticism of President Lula, because it was in his first two governments that this permissiveness expanded with the participation of evangelical leaders supporting his government in exchange for benefits that further favored the completion of the stages of this project. A project that has lies and its disseminators as its main basis of conviction and support. In the current stage, that of promoting the theology of dominion, two figures gain prominence and will be fundamental to the perverse pretensions of neo-Pentecostalism in the country. They are Michelle Bolsonaro and Silas Malafaia.

Anyone who knew the story of Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab who ruled Israel between the years 873-852 BC, will recognize many similarities between her and the former first lady of the Republic. At the beginning of the book of I Kings, she is described as a domineering, potentially religious woman who claimed to be the spokesperson for the gods on earth, which earned her the fame of a prophetess and mystic. After marrying King Ahab, Jezebel introduced her cultural and religious beliefs to the kingdom of Israel, becoming considered a priestess and spiritual educator for those people.

Her reputation as a former prostitute can never, in fact, be proven, since her mystical and religious image was very convincing and her behavior as a dutiful mother and housewife made her even more credible as the chosen one of the gods and an example of woman. Thanks to her husband's weakness, she grew politically and subjected even the rabbis and priests to her orders and the worship of her god Baal.

Michelle Bolsonaro already has the faith of many evangelicals that she is a woman anointed by God. During her participation in the Paulista demonstration, she showed her Jezebel side by looking at the sky, raising her hands and, with a choked and contrite voice, invoking the help of her God against what she considers evil and harmful to the project of power that she defends and is part of. A true ode to lies and lack of scruples, but which should not be refuted under the aegis of respect for people's religious beliefs.

Michelle Bolsonaro knows this, which is why she abuses her right to be religiously dishonest and a scammer in the name of God. Because she is a woman and has a fragile, sensitive and delicate stereotype, along the lines of what many Christians believe to be the type of perfect woman in the eyes of God, she can manifest all the demons she carries within her false personality without being considered suspected of possessing them. them. The kingdom of the Brazilian neo-Pentecostal beast already has its postulant queen.

Still regarding the lies told by Bolsonaristas in Paulista, I would say that if the devil is the father of such art, Silas Malafaia is his firstborn son. I'll go further and say that the businessman of faith has all the credentials to succeed the bigot in the position. In addition to subliminal attacks on the STF, Silas Malafaia incited evangelicals to combat Lula as an enemy of God for his statements against Israel. Something that from a socio-religious point of view means promoting an evangelical crusade against the current president of the Republic, attributing to him the personification of evil to be fought by the church.

Here I return to the State's permissiveness with the conduct of certain religious leaders, who use the constitutional right to profess their religious faith to spread hatred and incite their faithful against those who disagree with their opinions. Paraphrasing an excerpt from the biblical apocalypse, I would say that Silas Malafaia is the first beast, who came to announce the government of the second beast, to a bunch of beasts who passively watch Brazil become an evangelist under a militia theocracy.

Of the stages of this neo-Pentecostal power project, three of them have already been practically completed and two others are in process. The first was the dissemination of the idea of ​​an evangelical State governed by “God”, whose government program offers the salvation of people’s souls in the name of Jesus as its maximum benefit. The second consisted of the call to accept this saving project, through conversion to the evangelical church and strict compliance with its doctrine.

The third was to promote the theology of prosperity in the imagination of the faithful, promoting the alienation of new converts, under the promise of material and financial success through loyalty to the project. The fourth, which is still in force but in the process of being concluded, is the call for a fight against evil under the aegis of moral panic and the defense of the family and Christian values. Which means conditioning converts to see all those who do not accept the project of “salvation” as a threat to their achievements and their salvation through faith in the project.

These “evil beings” who resist and oppose neo-Pentecostal power need to be destroyed for the maintenance and expansion of this project in society through the fifth and final stage: the theology of domination. This set of political ideologies that seek to subject public life to full evangelical neo-Pentecostal control and the interpretation that this segment makes of biblical law, is what we can classify as a “babyconsuêlic” apocalypse, or the end of the democratic rule of law in our society. .

When she was minister, Damares Alves was already announcing the time for evangelicals to govern this nation, while Michelle Bolsonaro knelt in her presidential chambers and handed the country over to the Lord Jesus, associating her husband's government with a prophecy of revival in Brazil. . Revivals that began to pop up “spontaneously” in public places shortly after Lula’s election. Who doesn't remember the gospel singing in supermarkets and shopping malls in some regions of the country, which was absorbed by the people who were there unpretentiously, suggesting a manifestation of the holy spirit in their lives and a call to conversion to the neo-Pentecostal project? Pure circus set up to impress the unwary and those most susceptible to control.

The evangelical Jezebel and the beast of Brazilian neo-Pentecostalism have already shown their business card at Paulista and made it clear that they are not messing around. Their God's order is to set the country on fire with lies that support their theocratic militia ideology. A gospel of horrors that excludes Jesus Christ and replaces him with a genocidal, death-worshipping Messiah, who is at imminent risk of arrest. Jair Bolsonaro will be arrested for his countless crimes, and let it be soon. However, the evangelist will say that, like Jesus, he is persecuted for defending the truth and loving God above all things. 

Jair Bolsonaro is the personification of evil. It's not because of political divergence, it's because of the evil that exudes from such ordinary and fascist people that contaminates the Earth's atmosphere and makes us feel like we're living in an eternal apocalypse. Let it be brief, because it has already lasted too long.

*Ricardo Nêggo Tom is a singer and composer.

Originally published on the portal Brazil 247

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